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The reason I am writing this post is that Joe Biden is, I think you'll agree, pretty much the Democrat's nominee for President. The Nov 3rd 2020 general election looks very much as though it will be a contest between Biden and Donald Trump.
I don't think Biden could ever defeat Trump because he (Biden) is a very weak candidate. Biden has a very long history of involvement in political corruption spanning back 30 years and has been involved in numerous political cock-ups while serving in the Obama White House. In fact, Joe Biden played a key role in what was without doubt the greatest American Foreign Policy disaster in the 21st century - the war in Iraq that was launched by George "Dubbya" Bush in 2003. The Iraq war: saw $6 trillion completely wasted; it destabilised the Entire Middle-East; killed 4,500 American troops and 1000,000 Iraqi civilians ans resulted in tens of thousands of US personnel wounded. Not only did Biden vote for this war in 2002, he was one of its biggest cheerleaders. In fact, Biden was THE leading Democratic voice in its favour. He played a critical role in convincing the American public that the war was necessary, and was instrumental in laying down the invasion groundwork for "Dubbya." When questioned about his involvement in the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Biden just lies, and denies any responsibility. That's par for the course for Biden, the general public in the US don't realise it, but he is one of the most duplicitous devious and dissimulating politicians the America has ever produced. And what really pisses me off it that he just gets away with everything. Corruption in the Ukraine - he's caught dead to rights and just walks away laughing; same with his corrupt dealings in China; it's like: "Yeah, OK, I cut an illegal $1.5 million deal with the Chinese government, so what? Catch me if you can, sucker !"
It is not so much the fact that Biden is a corrupt and duplicitous politician that this post is about. There are lots of corrupt and duplicitous politicians in the Democratic party; Hillary Clinton, for example, is extremely corrupt, a pathological liar and has been a career criminal since the late 1970's Once again, like Biden, the fact that she has never faced justice and probably never will is just "par for the course" in the "Democrat Swamp" Even Trump recently admitted that draining "the Swamp" was a far bigger and more difficult task than he first imagined.
What this post is about is communicating a proposal I have, namely, that all individuals who wish to run for legitimate political office in the US, be it as a representative in Congress, or for membership of the Senate, indeed any official political position all the was up to the Presidency itself should be required to undergo a comprehensive medical examination which assesses both their PHYSICAL and their MENTAL health. I also propose that elected politicians in the US, for example, Congressmen/women, Senators, the Speaker of the House, the Vice President, in fact every politician on Capitol Hill all the way up to an including the President, ought be required to undergo a thorough medical examination (PHYSICAL and MENTAL) conducted by expert independent physician/s and specialist practitioners, once every 12 months. I would like to know what other members of the forum think about this idea. I personally feel that it is a sound policy measure, one that ought be implemented as soon as is practically possible. Here is why...
A few months ago, Joe Biden requested that his former physician, Dr Keith O'Connor conduct a thorough assessment of his health, Dr O'Connor had supervised Biden's health while he was working in the Obama White House. Dr O'Connor, who is based at the George Washington University, performed a medical health evaluation for Biden and when he had completed his examination, Biden also requested that a three-page medical summary of Biden state of health be released. In this summary, O'Connor described Biden as a "healthy, vigorous, 77-year-old, male, who is fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency to include those as Chief Executive, Head of State and Commander in Chief."
When I read this medical summary, I immediately "smelled a rat." Firstly (1) the medical examination O'Connor made of Biden's health was purely PHYSICAL no aspect of Biden's MENTAL health was investigated in the examination. Secondly (2) this is "strange" given the US national commentariat all the way (just to give a few examples) from Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson on the Right at FOX NEWS, to Andrea Mitchell at MSNBC and Cooper Anderson at CNN on the political left. Actually, if you google it up for yourself, there is an interview that Biden did with Anderson Cooper at CNN on 17th April this year on the topic of how the COVID-19 virus should be handled. Biden started rambling incoherently about Roosevelt and World War II, just like Grandpa Simpson. He is talking such gibberish that no one could understand what point he was trying to make. All the while Cooper Anderson, who is an overbearing, bumptious, motor-mouth 99% of the time is sitting there totally stumm and perfectly still, with this pained "neutral" expression on his face. Cooper is trying so desperately to keep this tight "Poker Face" - he looks like someone who is putting all their effort into suppressing a giant fart at Grandpa's funeral. It had me in stitches !
On a more serious note, Joe Biden has DEMENTIA Dementia is a neurodegenerative condition, that means it is caused by the death of brain cells or neurones. Dementia is progressive, that is, it steadily gets worse and it is irreversible (cannot be cured or, really, even treated successfully with drugs. The drugs that are prescribed for patients with dementia today only have a modest effect in alleviating the symptoms of the condition, they do not help to remediate the causes of the progressive death of neurones. There are different types of dementia. In the US today Altzheimer's Dementia is the most common followed by Vascular Dementia; another type is Lewis Body Dementia and sometimes individuals with Parkinson's disease develop dementia. This list is not exhaustive. Currently in the US, 65 is the age at which 20% - 25% of people have mild cognitive impairment (MCI). MCI is a natural condition. What I mean is that when people get older they naturally begin to slow down a bit mentally; just like a car that's been driven for 40 years, time takes its toll on the engine, many of its parts are worn down with use, and it simply can't perform as efficiently as it did when it was brand new. Everyone has met an elderly person who is a little slow in terms of their mental acuity, BUT is still able to conduct a meaningful conversation with you, if you show some patience, and still pretty much has "all their marbles." I mean they are not speaking irrational nonsense, and they can hold up their end of a reasonable conversation. MCI is just the "way of the world" for many people as they enter their 70's, 80's and 90's, it is NOT A PATHOLOGICAL CONDITION, rather it's natural "wear and tear" of the brain that has accrued over the years Dementia, on the other hand IS not a natural condition, it is a pathological condition - a DISEASE STATE, and 10% of Americans aged 65 have dementia.
Joe Biden has dementia. His cognitive functioning is impaired. If you are a careful observer of US political news - and I am presuming you probably are if you are a member of this forum - you will have heard for yourself some of the nonsensical, incoherent and sometimes bizarre ramblings Biden has vented in his campaign speeches and interviews to date. He is often confused, disorientated, aggressive (making threats and insulting his own voters) forgetful (of where he is, what he is doing, what day it is), poor concentration and so on. You don't need to be an expert neuro-psychologist or neurologist to be able to confirm that Biden's cognitive functioning is deficient. Just as you don't need to be a professional astronomer to to know that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. In the case of dementia, if you have personally encountered diagnosed dementia in a family member or loved one, then you will be able to quickly identify it in other people. In particular a high-profile politician like Biden who is (or was) regularly on the television news, etc. The US mainstream media initially referred to the series of errors Biden was making in public as "Gaffes." "Gaffes" are unintentional, though often understandable, "slip-ups" that all politicians make, especially in the current era, where politically correct speech has become mandatory, and any infringements of the code are severely punished. President Trump makes lots of gaffes, but he does not have dementia. Here, for example are some notable Trump "Gaffes."
(1) When campaigning in NC in 2016, Trump told a big rally: "If Hillary Clinton gets to pick the judges, nothing you can do folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know" (Many would interpret this remark from Trump that opponents of Hillary Clinton should take up arms against her if she is elected President).
(2) On the ABC news, 2016... "ISIS in honouring President Obama. He is the Founder of ISIS. And I would say the co-founder would be crooked Hillary."
(3) Asked a question about his priority in the "nuclear triad" - the three ways that nuclear missiles can be launched (air, land and sea), Trump replied..."I think to me nuclear is just the power, the devastation is very important to me."
(4) At a rally in Michigan in 2016, explaining why African - Americans should vote for him..."You're living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58% of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose ?"
(5) In 2015 during a CNN interview about Meagyn Kelly, who was one of the moderators in the first Republican debate that Trump intensely disliked, he said... "You could see that there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever."
These are "gaffes" because most people who heard them thought that they were crude, insensitive and extremely inappropriate generally speaking. These sort of comments lack the kind of dignified and civilised, cautious restraint that is customarily associated with the office of President (For me they were hard evidence of a man who is brutally honest and truthfully speaks his mind; evidence that here is that rarest of political animals, the one who is naturally allergic to sophistry). Getting back to the point I want to make, a "gaffe" is a blunder Verbal or behavioural) that one makes socially or in public. A "gaffe" is an impropriety; indiscretion; indecency; indelicacy, an indecorous error. A gaffe is something said or done that breaches the prevailing social norms, that is, the accepted standards of conduct that prevail in society typically in a brief and relatively trivial manner. "Gaffes" are RELATIVELY TRIVIAL things; they typically cause embarrassment for those who witness them and they can also be very funny, but they are by no means "the end of the world."
A senior politician like Biden could be reasonably expected to make "gaffes" NOW AND THEN, that is, relatively rarely. But before he was segregated from the mainstream national media, and had the frequency and length of his public speeches slashed by an anxious elites in the Democratic party's establishment wing and the DNC, Biden was continually making major "gaffes"; but the term "gaffes" is a media euphemism, it is are not a accurate way to describe the problem. It would be better to say that Biden was frequently making a spectacle of himself through episodes of strange and bewildering behaviours. Behaviours for which there was no rational explanation For example, confusing your wife with your sister in front of a crowd of supporters when they are standing on your immediate right and left is something very difficult to explain. Likewise for a senior AMERICAN politician to forget the words of the famous passage in Thomas Jefferson's preamble to the Declaration of Independence (1766), i.e. "We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal, etc; is not a "gaffe". It is not an example of social impropriety there is no rational excuse for it. It is a symptom of something more serious. Likewise, when a young man - a blue-collar worker - in a car manufacturing plant Biden was visiting on his campaign trail asked Biden a perfectly reasonable question about his position on the Second Amendment, we witness another bewilder reaction from Biden. That is, Biden immediately exploded in an aggressive fit. He not only swore (insultingly) at the worker who had asked him the question, he then challenged him to a fist fight outside the plant! To his credit, the worker kept a cool head and suggested to Biden that his behaviour was "Not OK." It would be interesting to see how Biden, a frail, 77-year-old, fared in a brawl with a muscular young factory worker, but that, of course, is completely beside the point. Biden's behaviour on this occasion was not a "gaffe"; it was not an example of social impropriety or indiscretion; it was not a mere slip-up. It went way beyond that and can only be described as an outburst of incomprehensible craziness.
There is something very wrong with a political system that has permitted a 77-year-old man with unmistakable symptoms of cognitive decline to have been placed in a position where it is possible he could control the largest nuclear arsenal in the world and with it the capacity to utterly destroy civilisation.He would also be in charge of a large chunk of the planet's health and the welfare of hundreds of millions of people.
That's pretty funny stuff. Right?
Before Biden won the South Carolina Primary and his even more impressive Super Tuesday showing, many viewed his candidacy as dead. His poor performance in Iowa, followed by and even worse one in New Hampshire had caused the corporate donors on whom he centrally relies to begin to flee. However, since then he has managed to consolidate his status as Democratic front-runner and, as is customary, has received a great deal of attention. Democrat voters are carefully assessing Biden's electability against Trump. Ane one of the main questions in that regard is his cognitive fitness: because it is clearly visible to the naked eye that the 77-year-old Biden is in cognitive decline.
But the Democrats are trying to "gaslight" the American public Ever since the Democratic establishment united (with CREEPY speed and obedience) behind Biden in order poleaxe Bernie Sander's campaign, anyone who now raises questions about Biden's cognitive functioning immediately comes under a withering assault of insults and attacks from Democratic Party operatives and their crucial media allies. When it comes to perfectly valid questions concerning Biden's cognitive functioning, they express revulsion and scorn at the mere mention of these questions and declare the topic "beyond the pale", i.e; off-limits to all decent people.
To give you an idea; in March this year CNN's Democratic Party Consultant, Karen Finney (a lying party hack) condemned the discussion of Biden's cognitive capabilities as a "truly disgusting low blow", demanding that former Democrat Presidential candidates, Julian Castro and Corey Booker - both of whom themselves had commented upon Biden's cognitive failures (on camera !) - announce (falsely) that their prior comments about Biden had been distorted (!) Meanwhile, Ryan Lizza, Chief Washington Correspondent for "Politico" and Senior Political Analyst at CNN, who is even more devoted to defending Biden than the DNC functionaries, conspiratorially insinuated that those journalists who were currently raising concerns over Biden's cognitive fitness were part of a joint "coordinated" attack from the Sanders and Trump campaigns. Lizza and his mob of like-minded rat-bags promoted various outraged articles from Democratic-loyal sites expressing all kinds of indignation - after four years of open season of musing casually about Trump's dementia - that ANYONE would even DARE to discuss Biden's cognitive fitness to occupy the most powerful political position in the world. They all insisted that this was some sort of very recent invention on the part of the Sanders and Trump world to stop the Biden juggernaut - a last minute act of sheer desperation from the Far Right and the Far Left - as Biden ascends to his rightful place in the Oval Office (!)
The idea that concerns being raised over Biden's cognitive deterioration are part of some recently manfactured script - "coordinated" by the Sanders and Trump campaigns to smear Biden is so laughably and demonstrably false that the journalists responsible for pedalling this nonsense should be ashamed to show their faces !
The twisted, ironic truth of the matter is that it was establishment democrats who were the first ones to spread insinuations and even explicit accusations about Biden's cognitive decline when they thought doing so could help defeat him and/or because they were genuinely concerned regarding his ability to defeat Trump. Equally, throughout 2019 (before Biden became the consensus establishment choice) it was commonly and routinely acknowledged even on DNC propaganda outlets like MSNBC that Biden's cognitive decline was an open secret among Democratic Party officials who believed it posed a serious threat to his ability to campaign, let alone beat Trump, let alone govern as President.
To sum up thus far, the Democrats are conspiring to "gaslight" the American people by engineering the election of a man who is clearly suffering from dementia, Joe Biden. This is no time to be polite and politically correct. We are talking about the PRESIDENCY of the United States. None of the media outlet are interested in the truth about Biden, Democratic allies like CNN, MCNBC, "The Washington Post" and "The New York Times" are running interference for the Democratic establishment and Biden by failing to ask any questions about the Candidate's mental fitness.
To American voters, I say that as American citizens you have no business casting a vote thoughtlessly, or less than fully informed. Deliberately casting a vote for someone clearly suffering from dementia, or turning a blind to , or being simply unaware of Biden's mental state is INEXCUSABLE.
Firstly, propose that legislation be enacted which requires all candidates for Congress, the Senate and the Presidency be required to undergo comprehensive and thorough - AND I DO MEAN COMPREHENSIVE AND THOROUGH[/B -] physical and mental health assessments conducted by an independent expert physician, or team of independent expert physicians.. Serving Congressmen/women, Senators and Presidents should be required to go through similar physical and mental health evaluations once each year. In the case of those who are aged 65 years or over a thorough assessment of cognitive function should be carried out to determine the presence or absence of any dementia. A standard test/s for cognitive functioning would also be included in the medical examination of younger persons, something like, say, the MoCA - Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test (which Donald Trump took not long ago and aced, thus silencing his Democrat and Socialist critics who were repeatedly claiming he was severely demented !)
I don't think Biden could ever defeat Trump because he (Biden) is a very weak candidate. Biden has a very long history of involvement in political corruption spanning back 30 years and has been involved in numerous political cock-ups while serving in the Obama White House. In fact, Joe Biden played a key role in what was without doubt the greatest American Foreign Policy disaster in the 21st century - the war in Iraq that was launched by George "Dubbya" Bush in 2003. The Iraq war: saw $6 trillion completely wasted; it destabilised the Entire Middle-East; killed 4,500 American troops and 1000,000 Iraqi civilians ans resulted in tens of thousands of US personnel wounded. Not only did Biden vote for this war in 2002, he was one of its biggest cheerleaders. In fact, Biden was THE leading Democratic voice in its favour. He played a critical role in convincing the American public that the war was necessary, and was instrumental in laying down the invasion groundwork for "Dubbya." When questioned about his involvement in the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Biden just lies, and denies any responsibility. That's par for the course for Biden, the general public in the US don't realise it, but he is one of the most duplicitous devious and dissimulating politicians the America has ever produced. And what really pisses me off it that he just gets away with everything. Corruption in the Ukraine - he's caught dead to rights and just walks away laughing; same with his corrupt dealings in China; it's like: "Yeah, OK, I cut an illegal $1.5 million deal with the Chinese government, so what? Catch me if you can, sucker !"
It is not so much the fact that Biden is a corrupt and duplicitous politician that this post is about. There are lots of corrupt and duplicitous politicians in the Democratic party; Hillary Clinton, for example, is extremely corrupt, a pathological liar and has been a career criminal since the late 1970's Once again, like Biden, the fact that she has never faced justice and probably never will is just "par for the course" in the "Democrat Swamp" Even Trump recently admitted that draining "the Swamp" was a far bigger and more difficult task than he first imagined.
What this post is about is communicating a proposal I have, namely, that all individuals who wish to run for legitimate political office in the US, be it as a representative in Congress, or for membership of the Senate, indeed any official political position all the was up to the Presidency itself should be required to undergo a comprehensive medical examination which assesses both their PHYSICAL and their MENTAL health. I also propose that elected politicians in the US, for example, Congressmen/women, Senators, the Speaker of the House, the Vice President, in fact every politician on Capitol Hill all the way up to an including the President, ought be required to undergo a thorough medical examination (PHYSICAL and MENTAL) conducted by expert independent physician/s and specialist practitioners, once every 12 months. I would like to know what other members of the forum think about this idea. I personally feel that it is a sound policy measure, one that ought be implemented as soon as is practically possible. Here is why...
A few months ago, Joe Biden requested that his former physician, Dr Keith O'Connor conduct a thorough assessment of his health, Dr O'Connor had supervised Biden's health while he was working in the Obama White House. Dr O'Connor, who is based at the George Washington University, performed a medical health evaluation for Biden and when he had completed his examination, Biden also requested that a three-page medical summary of Biden state of health be released. In this summary, O'Connor described Biden as a "healthy, vigorous, 77-year-old, male, who is fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency to include those as Chief Executive, Head of State and Commander in Chief."
When I read this medical summary, I immediately "smelled a rat." Firstly (1) the medical examination O'Connor made of Biden's health was purely PHYSICAL no aspect of Biden's MENTAL health was investigated in the examination. Secondly (2) this is "strange" given the US national commentariat all the way (just to give a few examples) from Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson on the Right at FOX NEWS, to Andrea Mitchell at MSNBC and Cooper Anderson at CNN on the political left. Actually, if you google it up for yourself, there is an interview that Biden did with Anderson Cooper at CNN on 17th April this year on the topic of how the COVID-19 virus should be handled. Biden started rambling incoherently about Roosevelt and World War II, just like Grandpa Simpson. He is talking such gibberish that no one could understand what point he was trying to make. All the while Cooper Anderson, who is an overbearing, bumptious, motor-mouth 99% of the time is sitting there totally stumm and perfectly still, with this pained "neutral" expression on his face. Cooper is trying so desperately to keep this tight "Poker Face" - he looks like someone who is putting all their effort into suppressing a giant fart at Grandpa's funeral. It had me in stitches !
On a more serious note, Joe Biden has DEMENTIA Dementia is a neurodegenerative condition, that means it is caused by the death of brain cells or neurones. Dementia is progressive, that is, it steadily gets worse and it is irreversible (cannot be cured or, really, even treated successfully with drugs. The drugs that are prescribed for patients with dementia today only have a modest effect in alleviating the symptoms of the condition, they do not help to remediate the causes of the progressive death of neurones. There are different types of dementia. In the US today Altzheimer's Dementia is the most common followed by Vascular Dementia; another type is Lewis Body Dementia and sometimes individuals with Parkinson's disease develop dementia. This list is not exhaustive. Currently in the US, 65 is the age at which 20% - 25% of people have mild cognitive impairment (MCI). MCI is a natural condition. What I mean is that when people get older they naturally begin to slow down a bit mentally; just like a car that's been driven for 40 years, time takes its toll on the engine, many of its parts are worn down with use, and it simply can't perform as efficiently as it did when it was brand new. Everyone has met an elderly person who is a little slow in terms of their mental acuity, BUT is still able to conduct a meaningful conversation with you, if you show some patience, and still pretty much has "all their marbles." I mean they are not speaking irrational nonsense, and they can hold up their end of a reasonable conversation. MCI is just the "way of the world" for many people as they enter their 70's, 80's and 90's, it is NOT A PATHOLOGICAL CONDITION, rather it's natural "wear and tear" of the brain that has accrued over the years Dementia, on the other hand IS not a natural condition, it is a pathological condition - a DISEASE STATE, and 10% of Americans aged 65 have dementia.
Joe Biden has dementia. His cognitive functioning is impaired. If you are a careful observer of US political news - and I am presuming you probably are if you are a member of this forum - you will have heard for yourself some of the nonsensical, incoherent and sometimes bizarre ramblings Biden has vented in his campaign speeches and interviews to date. He is often confused, disorientated, aggressive (making threats and insulting his own voters) forgetful (of where he is, what he is doing, what day it is), poor concentration and so on. You don't need to be an expert neuro-psychologist or neurologist to be able to confirm that Biden's cognitive functioning is deficient. Just as you don't need to be a professional astronomer to to know that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. In the case of dementia, if you have personally encountered diagnosed dementia in a family member or loved one, then you will be able to quickly identify it in other people. In particular a high-profile politician like Biden who is (or was) regularly on the television news, etc. The US mainstream media initially referred to the series of errors Biden was making in public as "Gaffes." "Gaffes" are unintentional, though often understandable, "slip-ups" that all politicians make, especially in the current era, where politically correct speech has become mandatory, and any infringements of the code are severely punished. President Trump makes lots of gaffes, but he does not have dementia. Here, for example are some notable Trump "Gaffes."
(1) When campaigning in NC in 2016, Trump told a big rally: "If Hillary Clinton gets to pick the judges, nothing you can do folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know" (Many would interpret this remark from Trump that opponents of Hillary Clinton should take up arms against her if she is elected President).
(2) On the ABC news, 2016... "ISIS in honouring President Obama. He is the Founder of ISIS. And I would say the co-founder would be crooked Hillary."
(3) Asked a question about his priority in the "nuclear triad" - the three ways that nuclear missiles can be launched (air, land and sea), Trump replied..."I think to me nuclear is just the power, the devastation is very important to me."
(4) At a rally in Michigan in 2016, explaining why African - Americans should vote for him..."You're living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58% of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose ?"
(5) In 2015 during a CNN interview about Meagyn Kelly, who was one of the moderators in the first Republican debate that Trump intensely disliked, he said... "You could see that there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever."
These are "gaffes" because most people who heard them thought that they were crude, insensitive and extremely inappropriate generally speaking. These sort of comments lack the kind of dignified and civilised, cautious restraint that is customarily associated with the office of President (For me they were hard evidence of a man who is brutally honest and truthfully speaks his mind; evidence that here is that rarest of political animals, the one who is naturally allergic to sophistry). Getting back to the point I want to make, a "gaffe" is a blunder Verbal or behavioural) that one makes socially or in public. A "gaffe" is an impropriety; indiscretion; indecency; indelicacy, an indecorous error. A gaffe is something said or done that breaches the prevailing social norms, that is, the accepted standards of conduct that prevail in society typically in a brief and relatively trivial manner. "Gaffes" are RELATIVELY TRIVIAL things; they typically cause embarrassment for those who witness them and they can also be very funny, but they are by no means "the end of the world."
A senior politician like Biden could be reasonably expected to make "gaffes" NOW AND THEN, that is, relatively rarely. But before he was segregated from the mainstream national media, and had the frequency and length of his public speeches slashed by an anxious elites in the Democratic party's establishment wing and the DNC, Biden was continually making major "gaffes"; but the term "gaffes" is a media euphemism, it is are not a accurate way to describe the problem. It would be better to say that Biden was frequently making a spectacle of himself through episodes of strange and bewildering behaviours. Behaviours for which there was no rational explanation For example, confusing your wife with your sister in front of a crowd of supporters when they are standing on your immediate right and left is something very difficult to explain. Likewise for a senior AMERICAN politician to forget the words of the famous passage in Thomas Jefferson's preamble to the Declaration of Independence (1766), i.e. "We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal, etc; is not a "gaffe". It is not an example of social impropriety there is no rational excuse for it. It is a symptom of something more serious. Likewise, when a young man - a blue-collar worker - in a car manufacturing plant Biden was visiting on his campaign trail asked Biden a perfectly reasonable question about his position on the Second Amendment, we witness another bewilder reaction from Biden. That is, Biden immediately exploded in an aggressive fit. He not only swore (insultingly) at the worker who had asked him the question, he then challenged him to a fist fight outside the plant! To his credit, the worker kept a cool head and suggested to Biden that his behaviour was "Not OK." It would be interesting to see how Biden, a frail, 77-year-old, fared in a brawl with a muscular young factory worker, but that, of course, is completely beside the point. Biden's behaviour on this occasion was not a "gaffe"; it was not an example of social impropriety or indiscretion; it was not a mere slip-up. It went way beyond that and can only be described as an outburst of incomprehensible craziness.
There is something very wrong with a political system that has permitted a 77-year-old man with unmistakable symptoms of cognitive decline to have been placed in a position where it is possible he could control the largest nuclear arsenal in the world and with it the capacity to utterly destroy civilisation.He would also be in charge of a large chunk of the planet's health and the welfare of hundreds of millions of people.
That's pretty funny stuff. Right?
Before Biden won the South Carolina Primary and his even more impressive Super Tuesday showing, many viewed his candidacy as dead. His poor performance in Iowa, followed by and even worse one in New Hampshire had caused the corporate donors on whom he centrally relies to begin to flee. However, since then he has managed to consolidate his status as Democratic front-runner and, as is customary, has received a great deal of attention. Democrat voters are carefully assessing Biden's electability against Trump. Ane one of the main questions in that regard is his cognitive fitness: because it is clearly visible to the naked eye that the 77-year-old Biden is in cognitive decline.
But the Democrats are trying to "gaslight" the American public Ever since the Democratic establishment united (with CREEPY speed and obedience) behind Biden in order poleaxe Bernie Sander's campaign, anyone who now raises questions about Biden's cognitive functioning immediately comes under a withering assault of insults and attacks from Democratic Party operatives and their crucial media allies. When it comes to perfectly valid questions concerning Biden's cognitive functioning, they express revulsion and scorn at the mere mention of these questions and declare the topic "beyond the pale", i.e; off-limits to all decent people.
To give you an idea; in March this year CNN's Democratic Party Consultant, Karen Finney (a lying party hack) condemned the discussion of Biden's cognitive capabilities as a "truly disgusting low blow", demanding that former Democrat Presidential candidates, Julian Castro and Corey Booker - both of whom themselves had commented upon Biden's cognitive failures (on camera !) - announce (falsely) that their prior comments about Biden had been distorted (!) Meanwhile, Ryan Lizza, Chief Washington Correspondent for "Politico" and Senior Political Analyst at CNN, who is even more devoted to defending Biden than the DNC functionaries, conspiratorially insinuated that those journalists who were currently raising concerns over Biden's cognitive fitness were part of a joint "coordinated" attack from the Sanders and Trump campaigns. Lizza and his mob of like-minded rat-bags promoted various outraged articles from Democratic-loyal sites expressing all kinds of indignation - after four years of open season of musing casually about Trump's dementia - that ANYONE would even DARE to discuss Biden's cognitive fitness to occupy the most powerful political position in the world. They all insisted that this was some sort of very recent invention on the part of the Sanders and Trump world to stop the Biden juggernaut - a last minute act of sheer desperation from the Far Right and the Far Left - as Biden ascends to his rightful place in the Oval Office (!)
The idea that concerns being raised over Biden's cognitive deterioration are part of some recently manfactured script - "coordinated" by the Sanders and Trump campaigns to smear Biden is so laughably and demonstrably false that the journalists responsible for pedalling this nonsense should be ashamed to show their faces !
The twisted, ironic truth of the matter is that it was establishment democrats who were the first ones to spread insinuations and even explicit accusations about Biden's cognitive decline when they thought doing so could help defeat him and/or because they were genuinely concerned regarding his ability to defeat Trump. Equally, throughout 2019 (before Biden became the consensus establishment choice) it was commonly and routinely acknowledged even on DNC propaganda outlets like MSNBC that Biden's cognitive decline was an open secret among Democratic Party officials who believed it posed a serious threat to his ability to campaign, let alone beat Trump, let alone govern as President.
To sum up thus far, the Democrats are conspiring to "gaslight" the American people by engineering the election of a man who is clearly suffering from dementia, Joe Biden. This is no time to be polite and politically correct. We are talking about the PRESIDENCY of the United States. None of the media outlet are interested in the truth about Biden, Democratic allies like CNN, MCNBC, "The Washington Post" and "The New York Times" are running interference for the Democratic establishment and Biden by failing to ask any questions about the Candidate's mental fitness.
To American voters, I say that as American citizens you have no business casting a vote thoughtlessly, or less than fully informed. Deliberately casting a vote for someone clearly suffering from dementia, or turning a blind to , or being simply unaware of Biden's mental state is INEXCUSABLE.
Firstly, propose that legislation be enacted which requires all candidates for Congress, the Senate and the Presidency be required to undergo comprehensive and thorough - AND I DO MEAN COMPREHENSIVE AND THOROUGH[/B -] physical and mental health assessments conducted by an independent expert physician, or team of independent expert physicians.. Serving Congressmen/women, Senators and Presidents should be required to go through similar physical and mental health evaluations once each year. In the case of those who are aged 65 years or over a thorough assessment of cognitive function should be carried out to determine the presence or absence of any dementia. A standard test/s for cognitive functioning would also be included in the medical examination of younger persons, something like, say, the MoCA - Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test (which Donald Trump took not long ago and aced, thus silencing his Democrat and Socialist critics who were repeatedly claiming he was severely demented !)
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