Biden out.

Democratic coup successful.
The left is always whining that trump and the Republicans are opposed to democracy yet here they are circumventing democracy. Whatever the left accuses others of, you can bet your ass, they are twice as guilty of it themselves
The left is always whining that trump and the Republicans are opposed to democracy yet here they are circumventing democracy. Whatever the left accuses others of, you can bet your ass, they are twice as guilty of it themselves
I don't support this coup.
I don't support this coup.
Im glad to hear that and neither do I BTW. My problem is not so much that the Democrats did this but that they accused trump and the Republicans of being anti democracy and here they are being anti democratic.
Im glad to hear that and neither do I BTW. My problem is not so much that the Democrats did this but that they accused trump and the Republicans of being anti democracy and here they are being anti democratic.
Yes. But Trump actually staged a violent coup attempt on Jan. 6.
Yes. But Trump actually staged a violent coup attempt on Jan. 6.
First what trump did or didn't do has NOTHING to do with democrats being anti democracy. The Democrats are hypocrites of the first order. They will whine that others are anti democracy but when it's politically expedient they will do exactly the same thing. Id rather have someone tell me they will rob and then rob me then have someone claim they won't won't rob but do it any way. That's more despicable.

My next trump didn't "actually stage a coup attempt" because if he had then he should be able been charged with a crime. Repeating a lie doesn't make it true.