Biden promotes milestone of 300M vaccine shots in 150 days-Superb!


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President Biden at this point has dusted tRump and un American GOPers when it comes to accomplishments and despite their sewer conspiring efforts to undermine the Biden Presidency:

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden took a cautious victory lap Friday in his quest to bring the COVID-19 pandemic under control, announcing that 300 million vaccine shots have been administered in the 150 days since he took office.

Biden credited scientists, companies, the American people and his whole-of-government effort. The president noted that the widespread vaccination campaign had set the stage for most Americans to have a relatively normal summer as businesses reopen and employers hire.

“We’re heading into a very different summer compared to last year,” the president said. “A bright summer. Prayerfully, a summer of joy.”

But as Biden marks one milestone, he is in danger of failing to meet another: his target to have 70% of American adults at least partially vaccinated by July Fourth, in a little over two weeks.

Overall, about 168 million American adults, or 65.1% of the U.S. population 18 years and older, have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine as of Friday, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The pace of new vaccinations in the U.S. has dropped significantly from a high of nearly 2 million per day about two months ago, jeopardizing Biden's ability to hit the 70% mark."
President Biden at this point has dusted tRump and un American GOPers when it comes to accomplishments and despite their sewer conspiring efforts to undermine the Biden Presidency:

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden took a cautious victory lap Friday in his quest to bring the COVID-19 pandemic under control, announcing that 300 million vaccine shots have been administered in the 150 days since he took office.

Biden credited scientists, companies, the American people and his whole-of-government effort. The president noted that the widespread vaccination campaign had set the stage for most Americans to have a relatively normal summer as businesses reopen and employers hire.

“We’re heading into a very different summer compared to last year,” the president said. “A bright summer. Prayerfully, a summer of joy.”

But as Biden marks one milestone, he is in danger of failing to meet another: his target to have 70% of American adults at least partially vaccinated by July Fourth, in a little over two weeks.

Overall, about 168 million American adults, or 65.1% of the U.S. population 18 years and older, have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine as of Friday, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The pace of new vaccinations in the U.S. has dropped significantly from a high of nearly 2 million per day about two months ago, jeopardizing Biden's ability to hit the 70% mark."

Filling people with covid stupid juice.
I guess Biden did not think the Trumpys would be too stupid to try and save themselves. Now they are the people getting Covid. We could have reached herd so easily if they were attuned to science and medicine over right-wing propaganda. Can you imagine saying doctors are wrong but Infowars and gateway are right? They chose to risk their lives. Too bad.
I guess Biden did not think the Trumpys would be too stupid to try and save themselves. Now they are the people getting Covid. We could have reached herd so easily if they were attuned to science and medicine over right-wing propaganda. Can you imagine saying doctors are wrong but Infowars and gateway are right? They chose to risk their lives. Too bad.

Hey shit head I've had covid and studies show the stab of covid stupid juice provides no significant benefit to those who have had covid. That means for 33.million Americans who have already had it the stupid juice is useless. It's useless for you too but youre too infected with leftism to realize it.