Biden's dumbass war on Russia looks like creating a nuclear-armed Iran.


Satire for Sanity
Iran was happy to remain non-nuclear until Trump reneged on their IAEA agreement.
Iran was happy to remain non-nuclear until both Trump and Biden supported Israel's assassination of Iranian scientists , generals and the bombing of Iran's consulate in Damascus along with their assassination of the Palestinian peace negotiator, Haniyeh in Tehran.
Let's quit this ' Iran is the aggressor ' nonsense along with ' Ukraine has the right to attack Russia as US proxies with US missiles '
Biden's efforts to end the world's balance of power will precipitate WW3- which, as we can see, has already begun with minor skirmishes and US-led escalations.


Iran was happy to remain non-nuclear until Trump reneged on their IAEA agreement.
Iran was happy to remain non-nuclear until both Trump and Biden supported Israel's assassination of Iranian scientists , generals and the bombing of Iran's consulate in Damascus along with their assassination of the Palestinian peace negotiator, Haniyeh in Tehran.
Let's quit this ' Iran is the aggressor ' nonsense along with ' Ukraine has the right to attack Russia as US proxies with US missiles '
Biden's efforts to end the world's balance of power will precipitate WW3- which, as we can see, has already begun with minor skirmishes and US-led escalations.


Putin ass kissers not welcome here
This assault in Russia started in the 90's, really ramped with the 2014 CIA removal of the government of Ukraine.

Iran is still not making nuclear weapons, but after Russia gave nukes to Belarus, nuke missile tech to North Korea, and went all in helping the Chinese massively increase their nuclear weapons stockpiles I think we can be sure that the Iranians would have nukes within 72 hours of asking Russia for them.
The pre Putin Rape of Russia was absolutely Western assault of Russia, that he put a stop to it is the primary reason they hate him.
This assault in Russia started in the 90's, really ramped with the 2014 CIA removal of the government of Ukraine.

Iran is still not making nuclear weapons, but after Russia gave nukes to Belarus, nuke missile tech to North Korea, and went all in helping the Chinese massively increase their nuclear weapons stockpiles I think we can be sure that the Iranians would have nukes within 72 hours of asking Russia for them.
That ought to stop the vile Israeli Jews from murdering the neighboring kids 20,000 at a time.