Biden’s Grave Diggers


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Senators Cotton, Hawley, and Rubio are too generous:

According to the Washington Post, Sen. Tom Cotton called this collection “panda huggers who will only reinforce [Biden’s] instincts to go soft on China.”

Sen. Josh Hawley calls the three “a group of corporatists and war enthusiasts — and #BigTech sellouts.”

Sen. Marco Rubio gets the prize. He describes them “polite and orderly caretakers of America’s decline.”

Biden turns to “polite and orderly caretakers of America’s decline”
Posted on November 25, 2020
by Paul Mirengoff

FDR’s cabinet is remembered as the “Brain Trust” —— China Joe Biden’s cabinet will be remembered as the Grave Diggers.

Aside from China Joe’s cabinet secretaries, he will have more than enough pallbearers among his chosen bureaucrats to attend the coffin at America’s funeral.

Usually a country is killed by a coup, a violent revolution, or defeated in a war. This will be the first time in history a country will be assassinated after a long-running conspiracy that began in the 1920s.

Make no mistake about who the assassins are. The assassination was a conspiracy planned by print media and executed by television.

plural eulogies

1. A laudatory speech or written tribute, especially one praising someone who has died.

2. High praise or commendation.

eulogistic (adjective)
eulogistically (adverb)

Finally, you will not find a word of praise in media mouths eulogy for posterity. Their tribute to this country’s greatness will consist of condemnation similar to the one Soviet Union media gave to Communists for killing Russia.

p.s. Public school education has been preparing America’s children for the death. The first generation of children who were taught how terrible their country is are now mature adults. They will either shrug or rejoice after the funeral.
FDR’s cabinet is remembered as the “Brain Trust” —— China Joe Biden’s cabinet will be remembered as the Grave Diggers.


I hope Gary Varvel writes another cartoon depicting Obama trying to revive Biden’s chance of becoming president.

The truth is that Obama was a Wall Street-friendly president. He started with bailouts, then moved to free trade deals and a lenient attitude toward financial concentration. So is it a coincidence that Wall Streeters, hedge funders, and wheeler-dealers loom so large in the Democratic Party’s financial support structure? And that financiers mostly paid for the Obama presidential library? Probably not.

Pinkerton: Barack Obama Is a Machiavellian Fox in ‘A Promised Land’
by James P. Pinkerton
28 Nov 2020