Biden’s Sexual Assault Accuser Tara Reade Will Testify Before Congress, Says MAGA Rep


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So I wonder how Biden will deny this. He is old and has no memory I am sure. The democrats have their sex scandals

Representative Matt Gaetz reveals that he and Marjorie Taylor Greene have invited Tara Reade, a former Senate staffer who accused President Biden of sexual assault, to give a transcribed interview to Congress.
Gaetz made the announcement on a recent episode of his Firebrand podcast.
“President Trump might not be the only person answering questions about prior conduct,” the Florida Republican said, referencing Trump’s current potential indictment regarding alleged hush money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels.
Gaetz reported that he and Greene (R-GA), with the backing of James Comer, the House Oversight Committee chair, had been “fully authorized to bring in Tara Reade to take her transcribed interview, to get the facts and to understand what really happened with Joe Biden.”
She has been shown to be a liar. However the Reds are teaching her what to say, She will try and memorize the script, since the truth is not the goal, but smearing Biden is.
She has been shown to be a liar. However the Reds are teaching her what to say, She will try and memorize the script, since the truth is not the goal, but smearing Biden is.

So a government worker is a liar and a pornstar is credible. You democrats live in a wacked out world.
So I wonder how Biden will deny this. He is old and has no memory I am sure. The democrats have their sex scandals

I'm looking forward to a media circus. Like Melissa Carone, I think Tara Reade will be a high point of humor for the Party of Trump.

Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi! LOL

You mean the democrats are getting rid of morals so the perverts can be seen as normal. The democrats are the problem

What is your solution for the problem, ptif219? Are you brave enough to say, or are you just blowing warm air out of your nether regions?
So I wonder how Biden will deny this. He is old and has no memory I am sure. The democrats have their sex scandals

I definitely think it's important to be made aware of stories like this, but based on what I've read, I'm not sure if Tara Reade's story is true. She's changed her story quite a bit since she started with allegations. Quoting from a CNN article published back in 2020:

It is widely known that Reade’s public allegation about Biden changed significantly since she first came forward last year. She initially said in 2019 that Biden made her uncomfortable by touching her neck, shoulders and hair; this year, she said he also assaulted her by forcibly putting his fingers inside of her. CNN’s interviews with more than two dozen people from various points in Reade’s life, including friends, acquaintances, and former colleagues, and an examination of Reade’s correspondences, writings and court records, show that her story has also varied in other ways, over a longer period of time.

Collectively, they paint a muddled, and sometimes inconsistent, picture of Reade’s time in Biden’s Senate office.


A complicated life and conflicting accounts muddle efforts to understand Tara Reade’s allegation against Joe Biden | CNN

Matt Gaetz himself is cautious as to her accusations as well. From your own article:

“Congresswoman Greene saw this tweet and she felt as though we ought to get the answers,” Gaetz said in his podcast, though he cautioned that the panel should not take the accusations “at face value.”

“There has to be review, there has to be corroboration,” he said.

Thus far, Republicans have embarrassed themselves with these public shit shows.

Reade is the least credible of all. This is going to be fun to watch.

They're going to do it again to the cheers of nutjobs like Gym Jordan, MTG, Lauren, Matt and the other Trumpian kooks.

It'll be grrrrreat!


Another who speaks from experience?

Not a mind reader, but in my youth I found it difficult to differentiate between "exciting and fun" with "nucking futs".

Melissa is in the latter category...and I suspect so is Tara Reade.

So I wonder how Biden will deny this. He is old and has no memory I am sure. The democrats have their sex scandals
“fully authorized to bring in Tara Reade to take her transcribed interview, to get the facts and to understand what really happened with Joe Biden.”

Did she actually agree to do this or are you just building up our hopes?

Ptif is a minion of the Dark Lord. He excels in spreading hate, lies and evil for his master. Sad.

No doubt Satan is saving a warm spot between his legs for Pfffft when he dies...which probably won't be too many years from now.
