big big polling trouble: keep on stabbing yourself Rs



This is a polling memo that provides an overview of 24 surveys conducted in GOP-held House districts in the days after the 2013 government shutdown.

If the 2014 elections were held today, Republicans would be in grave danger of losingcontrol of the House of Representatives, according to a series of 24 surveys conducted byPublic Policy Polling in Republican-held House districts over the past few days. Thesurveys challenge the conventional wisdom that gerrymandering has put the House out of reach for Democrats
Democrats won a large popular vote in the House, but picked up only a couple of seats in '12. Sadly, polling means nothing in most gerrymandered districts. What will have to happen, is dem voters registering as republicans, and skewing primary challenges.

Deshy. Deshy. Deshy.

A MoveOn sponsored poll done by a democrat polling organization looking at "registered voters" asking about "generic democrat party candidates"?


Yeah, run with that one.

Deshy, if this is true, then you should be happy the GOP is doing this instead of wringing your hands. According to you, your side will own the gobblement. Relax, enjoy the rapture. You seem pretty uptight for an old broad who is about to see all of her political dreams cum true.

Deshy. Deshy. Deshy.

A MoveOn sponsored poll done by a democrat polling organization looking at "registered voters" asking about "generic democrat party candidates"?


Yeah, run with that one.

Deshy, if this is true, then you should be happy the GOP is doing this instead of wringing your hands. According to you, your side will own the gobblement. Relax, enjoy the rapture. You seem pretty uptight for an old broad who is about to see all of her political dreams cum true.

24 surveys asshole

yeap move on did the surveys.

Its your party that has to cheat on surveys to find good news
and can be brought up in the next election.

Your right wing nuts destroy the government when you let them near it,

Now in just a couple of years your party has proven they refuse to govern in the people interests.

they only serve THEIR few constituents and now they don't even like what the right has done in their names
Polling is merely an internal quality control device the liberal news media employs.

They skew the news and report in a manner to achieve a desired result.

Polling merely shows them how successful they've been, and frankly, since they have a stake in it ... the entire process is questionable at best.
then why do they NOT report on the reams of court documents for decades that show case after case where the republican party has cheated the American people out of a fair election?

If the media wanted your party DEAD it would take about a week of reporting that long ugly story your party created.

you would be a dead party next week if they did
your party is stabbing its self to death and you cant see or feel the blood or the knife.

Its kinda sad but its very good for the country
man your a fucking weak ass dunce

Deshy, why are you so unhappy given that you think you will achieve your rapture?

If I were as convinced as you that the democrat party would die never more to be resurrected, I would be happy as shit and would be encouraging them to continue the behaviors.

You keep begging the GOP to stop. Let them go forth. The country will not be destroyed. 83% of the gobblement is still working. Relax sugar tits
like a crazy assed sit com self imagined God this idiot thinks "its winning"
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While the poll was sponsored by MoveOn, it was done by Public Policy Polling. Anyone have any reason to think they are biased?
This man deserves a profile in courage, doesn't he?


This is a polling memo that provides an overview of 24 surveys conducted in GOP-held House districts in the days after the 2013 government shutdown.

If the 2014 elections were held today, Republicans would be in grave danger of losingcontrol of the House of Representatives, according to a series of 24 surveys conducted byPublic Policy Polling in Republican-held House districts over the past few days. Thesurveys challenge the conventional wisdom that gerrymandering has put the House out of reach for Democrats

I'm amused by generic polls based on "what-ifs". This is evidence that the hyper partisan efforts of the staged shutdown by Obama and Reid are having their desired effect as planned. Obama and Reid seem more than happy to take this country into the sewer as long as it will serve their hyper partisan political agenda.

If the American sheeple are dumb enough to be duped by moronic DNC talking points and elect Democrats to the majority, then they deserve the mess they get from it.

A lot will change in the next year and the train wreck called Obamascare will be in full effect. We shall see.