Big Boi: "I voted for Gary Johnson."... "Yes, I'm a libertarian"


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Way better than Ted Nugent.

ALYONA MINKOVSKI, HUFFPOST LIVE: There was a radio interview that you did where you recounted a story of a woman coming up to you after Barack Obama’s election saying, “We won.” And then you said, “I voted for Gary Johnson.” What’s the story behind that? Did you really vote for Gary Johnson?
ANTWAN ANDRE PATTON AKA BIG BOI: Well, I was, you know, leaving to go out of town, and it was a lady -- a Caucasian lady -- and she was like, “Oh yeah, congratulations on y'all win last night,” you know, with like an attitude. And, you know, just to let her know I was on my P's and Q's, I was like, “I don't know what you talkin' bout, I voted for Gary Johnson.” And she looked shocked to even know that I knew there were other candidates on the ballot, you know what I’m saying? So, you can't judge a book by its cover.
MINKOVSKI: Did you vote for Gary Johnson?
PATTON: Yes, I’m a Libertarian. I’m liberty, justice for all, liberty for all. I’m really pro-people, pro-freedom, and, you know, this is all about positivity. Like, you know, I have nothing against the president at all, you know, he's a nice guy, but, it’s just, you know, the things that they're standing on right now just didn't agree with me. Anything that benefits the public and not just big banking, that's what I'm with.​
“I don't know what you talkin' bout, I voted for Gary Johnson.” And she looked shocked to even know that I knew there were other candidates on the ballot, you know what I’m saying? So, you can't judge a book by its cover.

Yeah yeah... but if you assume an african american voted for obama you are statistically going to be correct nearly 95% of the time. I don't think I could ask an african american with a straight face who they voted for. Lets not kid ourselves.
Yeah yeah... but if you assume an african american voted for obama you are statistically going to be correct nearly 95% of the time. I don't think I could ask an african american with a straight face who they voted for. Lets not kid ourselves. [/COLOR]

My interest was really more about the fact that he identifies as Libertarian, but...

What value is there in assuming such things and being rude?

You can't treat an african american as an individual? Why not?
My interest was really more about the fact that he identifies as Libertarian, but...

What value is there in assuming such things and being rude?

You can't treat an african american as an individual? Why not?

the op mentioned his indignation that one would assume he just voted for obama, but as I pointed out earlier, it's a pretty good assumption.

There are very few things in life you can be 95% sure about.
the op mentioned his indignation that one would assume he just voted for obama, but as I pointed out earlier, it's a pretty good assumption.

There are very few things in life you can be 95% sure about.

He had every right to be indignant with the way this woman , as described, dismissively and rudely spoke to him. She was obviously upset with the result and was looking to lash out at him as a black man. I doubt I would have been as reserved as he was, but I guess he is sort of used to it.

You can't be 95% sure of it. 3d already blew that point out of the water.
ok i will rephrase: of those who voted, you can be 95% sure.

So the conversation can go "oh you voted? I guess you voted obama" and be correct 95% of the time.
ok i will rephrase: of those who voted, you can be 95% sure.

So the conversation can go "oh you voted? I guess you voted obama" and be correct 95% of the time.

There was no guess. That construction almost makes it a question. As described, she was expressing animosity towards him due to his race. He had every right to feel indignant.

Most people do not care be judged based on one or a limited number of traits. I HATE when people assume they have me figured out based on some limited knowledge. It is dehumanizing and shows a disregard towards that person. We are not stats or data points. We are mutli-faceted and unique.
Re: Big Boi: "I voted for Gary Johnson."... "Yes, I'm a libertarian"

you aren't as special or complicated as you think you are. sorry.

Most people do think the same and have the same general beliefs and attitudes.

Nonsense. It's not about being SPECIAL. It's about being an individual. You can make assumptions and lump people into groups or treat them as worth actually knowing.
string you are being deliberately obtuse. There is a reason why marketing exists and why polling firms are used in electoral politics.
Re: Big Boi: "I voted for Gary Johnson."... "Yes, I'm a libertarian"

string you are being deliberately obtuse. There is a reason why marketing exists and why polling firms are used in electoral politics.

No, you are being deliberately obtuse. This has NOTHING at all to do with polling firms. She was not asking him for his views or trying to get a sense of how the election would turn out. It has to do with someone acting rude because their candidate lost. But the rudeness of this lady is not the news the interviewer or I was interested in relaying. The fact that he voted for Johnson and is a Libertarian is the point of interest. The rude woman is just a vehicle. Why you feel the need to defend her is a mystery, but whatever.
No, you are being deliberately obtuse. This has NOTHING at all to do with polling firms. She was not asking him for his views or trying to get a sense of how the election would turn out. It has to do with someone acting rude because their candidate lost. But the rudeness of this lady is not the news the interviewer or I was interested in relaying. The fact that he voted for Johnson and is a Libertarian is the point of interest. The rude woman is just a vehicle. Why you feel the need to defend her is a mystery, but whatever.

im not really talking about the OP specifically.