top secret clients have the “previously out-of-reach capabilities” to locate all security and web cameras in a given perimeter with the abilities to tap into the feeds to watch, hack or even doctor them — including previous footage — at their discretion, the paper reported.
Specifically, it can “transform untapped [Internet of things] sensors into intelligence sources” in the interest of “intelligence and operational needs,” according to 2021 internal company documents Haaretz obtained.
Additionally, these tools facilitate users to “discover and access security and smart cameras” that aid in assessing a “targeted area.” There is another piece of “access” tech known as “car forensics and intelligence” which can “wirelessly” geolocate vehicles as well.
The spy service — which has its pieces bundled together as a package deal — also boasts its capabilities to wipe or change footage in real time, referring to the practice as “masking of on-site activities” for “covert operations.”
What makes this dark age so different is that the overlords have stunning tech capacity to keep us enslaved.
I think this is going to be a long one Folks.