Big Brother has a powerful new cam tool


ButterMilk Man
Its top secret clients have the “previously out-of-reach capabilities” to locate all security and web cameras in a given perimeter with the abilities to tap into the feeds to watch, hack or even doctor them — including previous footage — at their discretion, the paper reported.

Specifically, it can “transform untapped [Internet of things] sensors into intelligence sources” in the interest of “intelligence and operational needs,” according to 2021 internal company documents Haaretz obtained.

Additionally, these tools facilitate users to “discover and access security and smart cameras” that aid in assessing a “targeted area.” There is another piece of “access” tech known as “car forensics and intelligence” which can “wirelessly” geolocate vehicles as well.

The spy service — which has its pieces bundled together as a package deal — also boasts its capabilities to wipe or change footage in real time, referring to the practice as “masking of on-site activities” for “covert operations.”

What makes this dark age so different is that the overlords have stunning tech capacity to keep us enslaved.

I think this is going to be a long one Folks.
It is only a matter of time before we are required to carry our tracking and monitoring device (AKA phone) with us at all times.
Now is “big brother” the same as the “elites,” “globalists,” the “deep state,” the “bus drivers,” the “revolution,” or the half dozen other sweeping generalizations you and your oracle Steve Hilton employ to invent boogymen for scapegoating?
Tucker had a guy on (I forget his name) who said that phones already can track and listen to us 24/7, unless the battery is removed, which is why increasingly batteries will be impossible to remove.
Tucker had a guy on (I forget his name) who said that phones already can track and listen to us 24/7, unless the battery is removed, which is why increasingly batteries will be impossible to remove.
It took Tucker telling you for you to realize that you can be tracked by your phone :laugh: jeebus
The plan is to have most everything in our lives connected by 5G and follow on technology, increasing the power of the Surveillance State. The Chinese lead the way on monitoring and coercion of the individual, but everyone else is following.
The plan is to have most everything in our lives connected by 5G and follow on technology, increasing the power of the Surveillance State. The Chinese lead the way on monitoring and coercion of the individual, but everyone else is following.

If you are so paranoid throw your phone and any technology you use or are exposed to in your life and quit crying

What makes this dark age so different is that the overlords have stunning tech capacity to keep us enslaved.

I think this is going to be a long one Folks.

They can only do it if you let them...

If you are so paranoid throw your phone and any technology you use or are exposed to in your life and quit crying
There's something despotic about a government wanting to know what we're doing every second of every day.
We have over 252 million cell phones in America. How many phone calls are made per day per person? Having too much info is like having none. They cannot all be monitored. There is nobody tracking you unless you call very serious attention to yourself.