Big foot on Mars?

Oddly enough there are some who have had the theory for some time that Bigfoot is just a projection of a lifeform from either a different dimension, and some believe Mars...


Of course most of those who believe that probably believe the Earth is hollow and filled with Faeries.
Oddly enough there are some who have had the theory for some time that Bigfoot is just a projection of a lifeform from either a different dimension, and some believe Mars...


Of course most of those who believe that probably believe San Francisco is hollow and filled with Faeries.

Hasn't anyone told these morons, that that infamous film footage of Bigfoot in northern california, was faked?
I thought some of those footprints on Mars looked familiar... BTW - Bigfoot resides in the forests of Northern Washington. Also, the call name for my National Guard unit, WADS, is Bigfoot! We even have a plaque on a wall somewhere that says "Bigfoot Country" and some neat artwork. :)
Hasn't anyone told these morons, that that infamous film footage of Bigfoot in northern california, was faked?

It would be nice if they produced the costume as proof of the hoax. It's not very difficult to say you did something when you don't have to provide any evidence.
It would be nice if they produced the costume as proof of the hoax. It's not very difficult to say you did something when you don't have to provide any evidence.

Tinfoil, and Beefy on Bigfoot:

Did you guys fall for the texas UFO sightings too? :)
Tinfoil, and Beefy on Bigfoot:

Did you guys fall for the texas UFO sightings too? :)

I'm too busy fighting off the chupacabra. The fucking thing has been on my ceiling for 3 days.

We get some bizarre bugs out here.