Bigotry Didn’t Elect Trump


Verified User
“Bigotry Didn’t Elect Trump”

I didn’t vote for Clinton and I would not vote for Trump. I have not left the Democratic Party; the Democratic Party has departed from their populist agenda and left us.

There’s little I would or could attempt to add to this David Kuhn opinion published by the NY Times.
Respectfully, Supposn
“Bigotry Didn’t Elect Trump”

I didn’t vote for Clinton and I would not vote for Trump. I have not left the Democratic Party; the Democratic Party has departed from their populist agenda and left us.

There’s little I would or could attempt to add to this David Kuhn opinion published by the NY Times.
Respectfully, Supposn

Great article the perfectly describes why I and many others voted for him as we saw first hand what another term of Obama policies would do to our economy
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The leadership forgot there were people they were suppised to lead and did.what they wanted.

Donkey party is dead all because they thought they had to vote for the black guy.
Bigotry Didn’t Elect Trump

Maybe not by itself, but it sure did help though.

You droolers can deny it all you want, but everyone knows what you are.

Stop trying to hide.

We see you.
Maybe not by itself, but it sure did help though.

You droolers can deny it all you want, but everyone knows what you are.

Stop trying to hide.

We see you.

That makes everyone that voted for our sitting President true dumbasses
“Bigotry Didn’t Elect Trump”

I didn’t vote for Clinton and I would not vote for Trump. I have not left the Democratic Party; the Democratic Party has departed from their populist agenda and left us.

There’s little I would or could attempt to add to this David Kuhn opinion published by the NY Times.
Respectfully, Supposn

Um, the Democratic Party abandoned populism in 1912 when it embraced the leftist Woodrow Wilson. Good to see you keeping-up with American politics...
They left me for sure..they have some kind of multiculturalism agenda -which is fine -but when that's ALL they address
to the point of traditional American values are not mentioned (like work together to make us great again) i'm then not interested

Bernie focused on income inequality, That was a good message.But he never spoke about worldwide competition,
He wanted to restrain corps from outsourcing by fines/taxes.

He never spoke about making a better business climate in the USA
you were never a dem you lying lump of shit

We won 3 million more votes than you did assholes

you don't have the American peoples approval liars
3 million more living breathing Americans

being a sociopath makes it hard for you to understand REAL life
evince doesn't know where she is at, who is that strange mexican, is that a burrito sticking out of me? OMG:blowup:
... Bernie focused on income inequality, That was a good message.But he never spoke about worldwide competition,
He wanted to restrain corps from outsourcing by fines/taxes.

He never spoke about making a better business climate in the USA

Anatta, my concern is not for income inequality as long as they pay their full share of taxes on their earnings.
How much more others earn does not particularly cost us anything; it's not a zero sum game.
Trade deficits are a different matter that reduces the nation's GDP and numbers of jobs more than otherwise. I’m a proponent of a unilateral substantially market driven global trade policy as described within the Wikipedia article “Import Certificates”.
If USA adopts it would almost, (if not entirely) eliminate USA’s chronic trade deficits of goods; it’s would likely increase and never be a cause of decreasing USA’s gross domestic production’s reduction, (GDP).
Trade deficits are a drag upon their nation’s GDPs and consequentially upon their numbers of jobs which in turn is a drag upon wages’ purchasing powers.

Refer to Wikipedia's "Import Certificates" article.
Respectfully, Supposn
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Anatta, my concern is not for income inequality as long as they pay their full share of taxes on their earnings.
How much more others earn does not particularly cost us anything; it's not a zero sum game.
Trade deficits are a different matter that reduces the nation's GDP and numbers of jobs more than otherwise. I’m a proponent of a unilateral substantially market driven global trade policy as described within the Wikipedia article “Import Certificates”.
If USA adopts it would almost, (if not entirely) eliminate USA’s chronic trade deficits of goods; it’s would likely increase and never be a cause of decreasing USA’s gross domestic production’s reduction, (GDP).
Trade deficits are a drag upon their nation’s GDPs and consequentially upon their numbers of jobs which in turn is a drag upon wages’ purchasing powers.

Refer to Wikipedia's "Import Certificates" article.
Respectfully, Supposn

I just read this Wiki entry, that sounds like a horrifically bad idea.