Biker Cheats death in US Highway Smash

The drivers of the white and black SUVs both saved this guy's ass big time. The driver of the blue rice burner should have their license taken away.
Riding bicycles have ruined me for motorcycles as I've had to many near death experiences at 20 mph on my bike. I can't deal with riding a motorcycle in traffic. I like living to much.

When I was in my 20's I used to commute into Boston on a motorcycle. When my reaction times became less than a squirrel I decided it was too damn dangerous.
When I was in my 20's I used to commute into Boston on a motorcycle. When my reaction times became less than a squirrel I decided it was too damn dangerous.

I started off with a scooter, at 14, which I used to run through the apple orchards. At 16, I bought a bigger bike which definitely improved my high school dating. :) At 17, I realized rainy nights meant a "dry spell", dating-wise, so I sold the bike and invested in an Olds Cutless Convertible (used, of course). All I can say is even Kermit the Frog could get a date with a car like that.

Unfortunately, the flashy red paint job covered up what was a scrap yard on wheels. Bordering on bankruptcy the car and I had a tearful parting. All I had left were memories and just enough money for a subscription to Playboy. :crybaby:
daughter's boyfriend was riding along at about 40mph and came across a rail crossing that was at a diagonal to the street....front tire managed to catch a rail and proceeded to turn immediately left at a 45 degree angle.......he didn't.....fortunately he ended up with only some bruises and cement 'burns'......
I started off with a scooter, at 14, which I used to run through the apple orchards. At 16, I bought a bigger bike which definitely improved my high school dating. :) At 17, I realized rainy nights meant a "dry spell", dating-wise, so I sold the bike and invested in an Olds Cutless Convertible (used, of course). All I can say is even Kermit the Frog could get a date with a car like that.

Unfortunately, the flashy red paint job covered up what was a scrap yard on wheels. Bordering on bankruptcy the car and I had a tearful parting. All I had left were memories and just enough money for a subscription to Playboy. :crybaby:

In college my motorcycle was the ultimate chic magnet. During the long winters I had an old Ford that they called the "hotel lobby on wheels". It didn't look like much.

But I, of course, owned a Chilton's manual and a tool box, and accepted personal responsibility. So I maintained the car well and in return it always started up and rode like a dream.

One time on a trip to the Jersey shore with my girlfriend and two of her cute friends the radiator overheated. I could smell it starting to overheat so I pulled into a C-store parking lot and opened the hood. I used an old coat to pull the cap off and let the steam escape. The gasket on the cap was leaking so it couldn't hold pressure. I made one out of a plain cardboard box (not corrugated) that was littering the parking lot, and had the girls go into the store and buy a jug of water. I filled the radiator back up and we went on our way. After a few miles I stopped at a low point on the road, found the creek and re-filled the jug in case I needed it to reach our destination.

When I married that girl her cute friends were her bridesmaids. At our wedding one of them hugged me and said she remembered the day when I kept them all safe. :)
daughter's boyfriend was riding along at about 40mph and came across a rail crossing that was at a diagonal to the street....front tire managed to catch a rail and proceeded to turn immediately left at a 45 degree angle.......he didn't.....fortunately he ended up with only some bruises and cement 'burns'......
That happened to me once. I hit a RR Track at an angle like that and it caught my front tire which pancaked and sent me flying over the handle bars. Fortunately I was wearing a helmet but I did get a pretty good dose of road rash.
I've lost two friends to motor cycle accidents. One was a colleague of my fathers who he went to grad school with and stayed close friends after. He went to Italy for a vacation touring the Tuscany region on rented BMW's. He accidently went the wrong way down a one way street and had a head on collision with a car. The second one was even more tragic. A friend of mine from high school was out with his wife cruising the country side on his Harley when a deer ran out in front of him. He t-boned the deer so hard that it catapulted his wife off the back of the bike. She wasn't wearing a helment and hit the road head first, killing her (He broke his leg and the deer died too...not that that mattered). My sister gave up riding motorcycles when a tractor trailor jack knifed in front of her on the interstate. She coudn't tell which way it was going to slide so she leaned to the right and guned it. She got lucky and the truck slid to the left. She was ok till she got home, a day later she tried to get on the bike and got a case of the shakes. Tried again a few days later and still had the shakes, sold the bike after that.
I've lost two friends to motor cycle accidents. One was a colleague of my fathers who he went to grad school with and stayed close friends after. He went to Italy for a vacation touring the Tuscany region on rented BMW's. He accidently went the wrong way down a one way street and had a head on collision with a car. The second one was even more tragic. A friend of mine from high school was out with his wife cruising the country side on his Harley when a deer ran out in front of him. He t-boned the deer so hard that it catapulted his wife off the back of the bike. She wasn't wearing a helment and hit the road head first, killing her (He broke his leg and the deer died too...not that that mattered). My sister gave up riding motorcycles when a tractor trailor jack knifed in front of her on the interstate. She coudn't tell which way it was going to slide so she leaned to the right and guned it. She got lucky and the truck slid to the left. She was ok till she got home, a day later she tried to get on the bike and got a case of the shakes. Tried again a few days later and still had the shakes, sold the bike after that.

So many bike tales.
Bill, who died on the N Circular near the Ace of Spades. Then there was a very small lad, no more than 5'4 and weighing almost nothing in wet clothes, bought an Ariel Square Four and wondered how he had landed in a hedge when trying to kickstart the beast. Later crashed it and after they had dug bits of helmet from his skull enquired not of himself but of his precious machine.
One hundred bikes roaring through a relatively quiet city centre and not a Jap bike between them. The sound of the single pot Panther chugging up hills. Oil leaks on the drive. Birds on the back or straddling the tank. Standing on the seat. Chicken down the centre white line. Trials and scrambles, the noise and the smells.
Ahh. Those were the days.
Nostalgia is not what it used to be.
I've lost two friends to motor cycle accidents. One was a colleague of my fathers who he went to grad school with and stayed close friends after. He went to Italy for a vacation touring the Tuscany region on rented BMW's. He accidently went the wrong way down a one way street and had a head on collision with a car. The second one was even more tragic. A friend of mine from high school was out with his wife cruising the country side on his Harley when a deer ran out in front of him. He t-boned the deer so hard that it catapulted his wife off the back of the bike. She wasn't wearing a helment and hit the road head first, killing her (He broke his leg and the deer died too...not that that mattered). My sister gave up riding motorcycles when a tractor trailor jack knifed in front of her on the interstate. She coudn't tell which way it was going to slide so she leaned to the right and guned it. She got lucky and the truck slid to the left. She was ok till she got home, a day later she tried to get on the bike and got a case of the shakes. Tried again a few days later and still had the shakes, sold the bike after that.

I last rode a motorcycle in high school....I was a passenger on a friends bike and we were tooling down a gravel road and went over a bump....I was hanging onto the strap and looked down between my legs and saw gravel zipping by at about 80.....I tapped him on the shoulder, told him to stop and walked home.....
I've lost two friends to motor cycle accidents. One was a colleague of my fathers who he went to grad school with and stayed close friends after. He went to Italy for a vacation touring the Tuscany region on rented BMW's. He accidently went the wrong way down a one way street and had a head on collision with a car. The second one was even more tragic. A friend of mine from high school was out with his wife cruising the country side on his Harley when a deer ran out in front of him. He t-boned the deer so hard that it catapulted his wife off the back of the bike. She wasn't wearing a helment and hit the road head first, killing her (He broke his leg and the deer died too...not that that mattered). My sister gave up riding motorcycles when a tractor trailor jack knifed in front of her on the interstate. She coudn't tell which way it was going to slide so she leaned to the right and guned it. She got lucky and the truck slid to the left. She was ok till she got home, a day later she tried to get on the bike and got a case of the shakes. Tried again a few days later and still had the shakes, sold the bike after that.

Riding without a helmet is retarded.
I've lost two friends to motor cycle accidents. One was a colleague of my fathers who he went to grad school with and stayed close friends after. He went to Italy for a vacation touring the Tuscany region on rented BMW's. He accidently went the wrong way down a one way street and had a head on collision with a car. The second one was even more tragic. A friend of mine from high school was out with his wife cruising the country side on his Harley when a deer ran out in front of him. He t-boned the deer so hard that it catapulted his wife off the back of the bike. She wasn't wearing a helment and hit the road head first, killing her (He broke his leg and the deer died too...not that that mattered). My sister gave up riding motorcycles when a tractor trailor jack knifed in front of her on the interstate. She coudn't tell which way it was going to slide so she leaned to the right and guned it. She got lucky and the truck slid to the left. She was ok till she got home, a day later she tried to get on the bike and got a case of the shakes. Tried again a few days later and still had the shakes, sold the bike after that.

Surely it must be illegal to not wear a helmet in the US, it has been for many years in the UK.