Bill Clinton Didn't "Stand By" Instead HELPED MOLEST MINORS w/Jeffrey EPSTEIN

cancel2 2022

Miscaptioned. More pics at the link.

"Who is Rachel Chandler? She’s a photographer and co-founder of a New York-based modeling agency. But if you pose that question to adherents of a Qanon conspiracy theory, you’ll probably get a different answer: She’s an associate of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein and recruits children to come to the billionaire’s island.

While this appears to be a genuine, unaltered photograph, the conspiracy theorists spreading it get several things wrong about what it shows. Mainly, the photograph wasn’t taken on a plane owned by Epstein, who was charged with new sex crimes related to child-sex-trafficking for prostitution in the summer of 2019. Before we go any further, we should note that the Q conspiracy theory is built on speculation and wild assumptions. Rachel Chandler (also referred to as Ray Chandler) has not been implicated in any legal proceedings related to Epstein, and she has not been charged with any crimes herself...

The above-displayed picture has been online since 2006. It was originally shared with a caption saying it showed President Clinton with a 19-year-old college student named Rachel aboard billionaire venture capitalist Ron Burkle’s private plane. It wasn’t until several years later (circa 2017) that the “Pizzagate” conspiracy community picked up this picture and started claiming that it showed a woman named Rachel Chandler with President Clinton aboard Epstein’s plane (popularly dubbed the “Lolita Express”). The fact that this photograph was circulating for more than a decade before it became attached to claims relating to Epstein should immediately raise red flags...

President Clinton did fly on Epstein’s plane a number of times. However, the above-displayed photograph does not document one of these trips. This photograph shows President Clinton with a 19-year-old woman named Rachel Chandler (if she has been identified correctly) aboard a plane more likely owned by either Burkle or Giustra..."

I didn't know what to make of that one which is why I asked you. What do you think about Leslie Millwee, is she lying?

Who is the girl Clinton was pictured with?

Rachel Chandler’s parents owned the Los Angeles Times. She grew up at the very pinnacle of American entertainment.