Bill Clinton goes all racial AGAIN


New member
"Jesse Jackson won South Carolina in '84 and '88. Jackson ran a good campaign. And Obama ran a good campaign here."

Oh, we get it Bill - SC is a black state, so of course Obama, the BLACK man, is going to win it. It's all about being black; what chance could Hillary have ever had?

Anyone who wants to call this good ol' fashioned "hardball politics" is smoking something. We are seeing the worst of the Clintons in this campaign; it hurt them yesterday, badly, which is something we should all celebrate. Hopefully, primary voters around the rest of the country are starting to get it.
Btw - this was in response to a reporter's question about it taking "two Clintons" to beat Obama. Nothing at all about Jesse Jackson, or race, or who won primaries in SC in the 1980's.
Hes blowing it big time.
I've noticed that. Maybe Gore was wise to keep him away from his candidacy. It seems like he is ever willing to suddenly "forget" all that "charisma" when it comes to somebody else's campaign.

People are just now beginning to see him as we (who are not worshippers) have always seen him.
Bubba needs to shut the hell up about this crap. There was no validity to comparing Obama to another black candidate. Treat obama on the merits, or attack him for issues that don't involve race or gender.

Hillary got attacked for her gender before new hampshire, and that was wrong.

And Bubba was wrong to do this.
Both campaigns are, and have been out of line.

Both John Edwards and Barak's surrogates gender-baited on the crybaby "tears" that Hillary allegedly shed in NH.

Bill Clinton was way out of line here.

Both campaigns have really engaged in some BS.

If they want to attack each other about slumlord connections, or walmart connections, I can deal with that. Because they better learn how to deal with smears and attacks, because the GOP will show no mercy this fall.

But, the gender baiting, and veiled racial references are BS.
I've noticed that. Maybe Gore was wise to keep him away from his candidacy. It seems like he is ever willing to suddenly "forget" all that "charisma" when it comes to somebody else's campaign.

People are just now beginning to see him as we (who are not worshippers) have always seen him.

Never thought Clinton was a god. I do however still think he was the best pres for our country in a long time.

If he had managed to keep his dick in his pants the right would have had nothing to beat him with.
Never thought Clinton was a god. I do however still think he was the best pres for our country in a long time.

If he had managed to keep his dick in his pants the right would have had nothing to beat him with.
I get this really horridly surreal picture of Newt beating Bill with Bill's dick.
Whoooo weeee--I see the major media is uning the term racist and Clinton in the same paragraph--may be in the same sentence even. That is it for Hillery--she cound not make the Mexicans (who vote 80 some % for Hillery) citizens fast enough.
"Jesse Jackson won South Carolina in '84 and '88. Jackson ran a good campaign. And Obama ran a good campaign here."

Oh, we get it Bill - SC is a black state, so of course Obama, the BLACK man, is going to win it. It's all about being black; what chance could Hillary have ever had?

Anyone who wants to call this good ol' fashioned "hardball politics" is smoking something. We are seeing the worst of the Clintons in this campaign; it hurt them yesterday, badly, which is something we should all celebrate. Hopefully, primary voters around the rest of the country are starting to get it.

It's very bad. I was very taken back by it.

Did you read Frank Rich this morning? I think that he is right. But, having a little streak of policy wonkishness in me, I also think Krugman is right about Obama. It tears me apart, like in half. I want to reject these racial poltics, but I also want to reject these right-tilted economic policies. You know, you can put lipstick on a pig and all that, but right-tilted economic policies hurt minorities badly. So what difference does it make what color they come in?

I know I sound like a broken record, but I'm just broken up about Edwards. I think that right now, the best I can hope for is an Obama/Edwards ticket - but I don't know who Obama would choose. I think Edwards is too far to the left for him.

I cannot explain how shocked I am over Clinton and the Jesse Jackson comment. And I was watching msnbc last night, and I saw that it has been turned into a race war. Whites are doing this, blacks are doing that, and Obama is the black candidate. But...he got 25 percent of the white vote in S. Carolina a southern state. That's not miniscule. I see this backfiring.
I've noticed that. Maybe Gore was wise to keep him away from his candidacy. It seems like he is ever willing to suddenly "forget" all that "charisma" when it comes to somebody else's campaign.

People are just now beginning to see him as we (who are not worshippers) have always seen him.


Yeah...I love this shit the best of all.

Just wait....just wait.

Save em all people, from the whore Monica Crowley to Damocles.

Because if Obama is the nominee, the Republicans will fucking throw every dirty shit they can think of at him, and you will be hearing a different tune being whistled in Dixie.
Whoooo weeee--I see the major media is uning the term racist and Clinton in the same paragraph--may be in the same sentence even. That is it for Hillery--she cound not make the Mexicans (who vote 80 some % for Hillery) citizens fast enough.

Does anybody know the significance of the right wing lunatics refusal to spell Hillary with an a?

Because if Obama is the nominee, the Republicans will fucking throw every dirty shit they can think of at him, and you will be hearing a different tune being whistled in Dixie.

That is a two way street and you know it. So---what is the point?
It's very bad. I was very taken back by it.

Did you read Frank Rich this morning? I think that he is right. But, having a little streak of policy wonkishness in me, I also think Krugman is right about Obama. It tears me apart, like in half. I want to reject these racial poltics, but I also want to reject these right-tilted economic policies. You know, you can put lipstick on a pig and all that, but right-tilted economic policies hurt minorities badly. So what difference does it make what color they come in?

I know I sound like a broken record, but I'm just broken up about Edwards. I think that right now, the best I can hope for is an Obama/Edwards ticket - but I don't know who Obama would choose. I think Edwards is too far to the left for him.

I cannot explain how shocked I am over Clinton and the Jesse Jackson comment. And I was watching msnbc last night, and I saw that it has been turned into a race war. Whites are doing this, blacks are doing that, and Obama is the black candidate. But...he got 25 percent of the white vote in S. Carolina a southern state. That's not miniscule. I see this backfiring.

Frank Rich is one of my favorite columnists; he usually nails it. I haven't read much of Krugman's writing on Obama (I think you posted one column a ways back, and I skimmed it, but that's about it). So far, I'm not seeing the right tilt in his economic policies that you mention. He's certainly not a "trickle down" guy.

As someone who considers himself a proud leftie on a wide variety of issues, I have generally been more of a fiscal conservative than my liberal brethren (and sistren?) I think progressive goals can be advanced in a fiscally responsible way, and that a ton of waste can be eliminated from gov't without affecting programs. I loved Gore's "reinventing gov't" project in the '90's, and I applauded when Clinton said "we need smaller, smarter gov't," and applauded again when Obama said in a recent debate that keeping taxes low should be a priority.

I'd be really happy with an Obama/Edwards ticket, also. I do think that's a possibility (much more of a possibility than an Obama/Clinton ticket)...
this is comical shit guys, no racist statements at all. What you have is the Hillary haters tripping over themselves to find someothing to be offended by.
So Bill Compared him to a previous Black candidate. Big deal, Obama's a big boy he doesn't need to be handled with kid gloves.
this is comical shit guys, no racist statements at all. What you have is the Hillary haters tripping over themselves to find someothing to be offended by.
So Bill Compared him to a previous Black candidate. Big deal, Obama's a big boy he doesn't need to be handled with kid gloves.

Retarded, as always.

Thanks for the input.
"Jesse Jackson won South Carolina in '84 and '88. Jackson ran a good campaign. And Obama ran a good campaign here."

Oh, we get it Bill - SC is a black state, so of course Obama, the BLACK man, is going to win it. It's all about being black; what chance could Hillary have ever had?

Anyone who wants to call this good ol' fashioned "hardball politics" is smoking something. We are seeing the worst of the Clintons in this campaign; it hurt them yesterday, badly, which is something we should all celebrate. Hopefully, primary voters around the rest of the country are starting to get it.

I gotta say---it is the facts--and I don't see anything racist about facts.
The blacks of SC would be better off realizing that Obamma is a pandering white elitist in black skin.