Bill Clinton & The Fat Nazi


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Open letter to all who compare Trump to Hitler
Posted By David Kupelian On 08/14/2019 @ 7:52 pm

If anyone is looking for a Nazi comparison they should compare Bubba to the Reichmarshall who supposedly liked to wear dresses. There are no photos of Fat Herman in drag:


Hermann Goering at his dressing table with cheeks nicely rouged.

but this painting of Bill Clinton can hardly be called photoshopped considering where it was discovered and Bill’s history with a blue dress:

EXCLUSIVE: Jeffrey Epstein had a painting of Bill Clinton wearing a blue DRESS and red heels and lounging in the Oval Office inside his Manhattan mansion - visitor reveals bizarre image inside pedophile's $56m lair
By Isolde Walters and Cheyenne Roundtree
Published: 14:04 EDT, 14 August 2019 | Updated: 18:45 EDT, 14 August 2019

Finally, Democrats approve of every perversion known to man, while they had a field day accusing J. Edgar Hoover of being a cross-dresser —— but only after he died. It will be interesting to see how they handle Bill Clinton’s wardrobe.


Inspiration? The dress is also strikingly similar to one worn by Hillary Clinton at the 2009 Kennedy Center Honors
That's actually kind of ironic because I've compared Trump to Hermann Göring here.
Göring wasn't actually a cross-dresser, though.
In happier times “Randy Andy” was a fun nickname:

Not so these days:
Buckingham Palace Responds to Daily Mail Report Placing Prince Andrew at Epstein Mansion
Cortney O'Brien
Posted: Aug 19, 2019 4:45 PM

So how come Andy is an Epstein story and Bubba is not?

but this painting of Bill Clinton can hardly be called photoshopped considering where it was discovered and Bill’s history with a blue dress:
