Bill Clinton's Royal F--k-Up Comes Home to Roost Over and Over


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And The Fairness Doctrine desperately needs to be reinstated...

Partisan media aberrations began under President Bill Clinton

I discovered the other day, the deregulation [Telecommunications Act] that allowed for cross-media outlets to coalesce under a single owner was signed under President Bill Clinton, not President George W. Bush as I’ve proclaimed several times in various formats. My sincere apologies for this misleading information. I also discovered it was President Ronald Reagan who got rid of the Fairness Doctrine (FCC rule from 1949-87) for radio and broadcast mediums. These two actions are primary contributors to our current partisan divide.

Think of the McLaughlin Report as a Fairness Doctrine representation. A mediator with two peered individuals debating a subject from objective viewpoints, peered being key to the fairness aspect. This allows the audience to hear dissenting positions and format their own opinion.

With the recension of this doctrine, right-wing talk-radio arose, and then partisan news in its many formats today. These singular perspectives act as propaganda machines (intentional or not) and inflame our partisan bickering by labeling or alluding to the political opposition as enemy.

President Clinton’s deregulation consolidated competition, limiting the diversity of narratives reaching the public, thereby creating a less informed population. A well-informed citizenry is crucial to the functioning of a representative republic.

Until the masses across the spectrum demand antitrust regulations specific to media ownership and a return to the Fairness Doctrine for radio and broadcast mediums, we as a nation will continue to divide further along partisan lines, until we lose any semblance of what our country once represented.

And I would tell Reagan to drop dead for a variety of reasons of he were not already six feet under.
Deregulation of media like dispensing with the "fairness doctrine" was a great idea. As media outlets expanded exponentially, there was no need for such rules. The problem today is one of monopoly.

This isn't new. Monopolies have cropped up regularly in the industrial era and now in the electronics age. The way to deal with them is make them illegal and break those that exist up. That is to say, if the tech giants can't crush competition, they're through. The destruction of Parlor is a great recent example. If the tech giants couldn't do that, they face real competition and have to change their rules or be left behind by other newer sites that don't censor. It's that simple.