APP - Bill Gates pays for artificial clouds

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I'm not sure if dear old Bill hasn't got confused about Cloud Computing.

From Times Online

May 8, 2010

Bill Gates pays for ‘artificial’ clouds to beat greenhouse gases

Ben Webster, Environment Editor

The first trials of controversial sunshielding technology are being planned after the United Nations failed to secure agreement on cutting greenhouse gases.
Bill Gates, the Microsoft billionaire, is funding research into machines to suck up ten tonnes of seawater every second and spray it upwards. This would seed vast banks of white clouds to reflect the Sun’s rays away from Earth.
The British and American scientists involved do not intend to wait for international rules on technology that deliberately alters the climate. They believe that the weak outcome of December’s climate summit in Copenhagen means that emissions will continue to rise unchecked and that the world urgently needs an alternative strategy to protect itself from global warming.
Many methods of cooling the planet, collectively known as geoengineering, have been proposed. They include rockets to deploy millions of mirrors in the stratosphere and artificial trees to suck carbon dioxide from the air. Most would be prohibitively expensive and could not be deployed for decades.
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However, a study last year calculated that a fleet of 1,900 ships costing £5 billion could arrest the rise in temperature by criss-crossing the oceans and spraying seawater from tall funnels to whiten clouds and increase their reflectivity.
Silver Lining, a research body in San Francisco, has received $300,000 (£204,000) from Mr Gates. It will develop machines to convert seawater into microscopic particles capable of being blown up to the cloud level of 1,000 metres. This would whiten clouds by increasing the number of nuclei.
The trial would involve ten ships and 10,000sq km (3,800sq miles) of ocean. Armand Neukermanns, who is leading the research, said that whitening clouds was “the most benign form of engineering” because, while it might alter rainfall, the effects would cease soon after the machines were switched off.
Other types of geoengineering, such as mimicking volcanoes by using aircraft to spray reflective sulphate particles in the stratosphere, would have much longer effects on weather patterns.
Stephen Salter, Emeritus Professor of Engineering Design at the University of Edinburgh, said that there was no need to wait for regulations because the trials would not add chemicals to the atmosphere. But Sir David King, former chief scientific adviser to the Government, said that experiments with potential consequences beyond national borders needed international regulations. He told The Times: “I do not see any geoengineering solution which does not have unintended consequences or is not far too expensive.”
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It's all part of his evil plot to take over the world and form the new PC Nation. All illegal alien software users will be imprisoned and forced to stare at a BSOD until they learn to love it.
It's all part of his evil plot to take over the world and form the new PC Nation. All illegal alien software users will be imprisoned and forced to stare at a BSOD until they learn to love it.

Maybe he is repenting for all the shitty bug ridden software his company has created down the years?
Using artificial clouds to cool down the earth is something we should be extremely hesitant to do, even in a worst case scenario. For one thing, less sunlight will be reaching the surface, which means less energy for plants.
Using artificial clouds to cool down the earth is something we should be extremely hesitant to do, even in a worst case scenario. For one thing, less sunlight will be reaching the surface, which means less energy for plants.

It is worth a try and anyway there are no irreversible effects if it causes other unforeseen problems. You just simply stop.
By the time any of this could possibly become necessary we could probably model the effects very well anyway, what with having computers with greater processing power than the entire human race.

artificial clouds are bad...because they might cool the planet

but artificial stuffffs that heat up the planet are bad

seriously....the earth has gone through cycles for THOUSANDS of years

i am all for protecting the environment, but this warmer bullshit is nothing but a snake oil scam....the last time the earth went through a cooling period, a few hundred years ago, and then entered a warming period, there was virtually ZERO man made global warming ""factors"" that exist today.....imagine al gore preaching back then

sustainability must be grounded in truth and reality

artificial clouds are bad...because they might cool the planet

but artificial stuffffs that heat up the planet are bad

seriously....the earth has gone through cycles for THOUSANDS of years

i am all for protecting the environment, but this warmer bullshit is nothing but a snake oil scam....the last time the earth went through a cooling period, a few hundred years ago, and then entered a warming period, there was virtually ZERO man made global warming ""factors"" that exist today.....imagine al gore preaching back then

sustainability must be grounded in truth and reality

When the asteroid hit the earth and wiped out so much life on earth, that was also natural.

Global warming is not natural. And it is bad. Life has never had to deal with temperature rises so vast so fast. It will submerge Florida, the NE, Shanghai... hundreds of millions of people will be homeless, the power of the US will be greatly diminished. It's karma. It's justice, for the US to die, because of our sins, the sins evil conservatives like you have perpetuated upon humanity.
When the asteroid hit the earth and wiped out so much life on earth, that was also natural.

Global warming is not natural. And it is bad. Life has never had to deal with temperature rises so vast so fast. It will submerge Florida, the NE, Shanghai... hundreds of millions of people will be homeless, the power of the US will be greatly diminished. It's karma. It's justice, for the US to die, because of our sins, the sins evil conservatives like you have perpetuated upon humanity.


global warming and cooling is natural, to deny that this happens in nature is so stupid watermark...come on, your two buddies grind and capt say you're like super smart...but this is not smart

global warming and cooling is natural, to deny that this happens in nature is so stupid watermark...come on, your two buddies grind and capt say you're like super smart...but this is not smart

The current warming patterns are not natural. That's what I meant.
watermark is such a genius, he is often misunderstood as incoherent, much like a human is incoherent to a dog. he is one of the greatest humans to have ever lived. you should all be proud to have the opportunity to discuss things with him, however limited your brainpower may be.
watermark is such a genius, he is often misunderstood as incoherent, much like a human is incoherent to a dog. he is one of the greatest humans to have ever lived. you should all be proud to have the opportunity to discuss things with him, however limited your brainpower may be.

I'd rather discuss it with you. You're older, cooler, and I could discuss women with you. Also, it would be cool to see Boston, whereas Mississippi (I believe WM lives in the Biloxi area) is uncool, and I've already been there. The only thing that would be bad for you is I'm a good beer-drinking buddy, but WM appears to have the edge in the hard-eh field...
i am all for protecting the environment, but this warmer bullshit is nothing but a snake oil scam....the last time the earth went through a cooling period, a few hundred years ago, and then entered a warming period, there was virtually ZERO man made global warming ""factors"" that exist today.....imagine al gore preaching back then

sustainability must be grounded in truth and reality

Non sequitur. Animals go extinct without our influence. That does not mean we can not or have not influenced extinctions. Habitats change without us but we certainly have an impact on that as well. Just because temperatures change without us does not mean we are not or can not have an impact.

Life is resilient and will survive anything we can throw at it, but rapid change could definitely make the world more hostile to existing species, including our own.
I'd rather discuss it with you. You're older, cooler, and I could discuss women with you. Also, it would be cool to see Boston, whereas Mississippi (I believe WM lives in the Biloxi area) is uncool, and I've already been there. The only thing that would be bad for you is I'm a good beer-drinking buddy, but WM appears to have the edge in the hard-eh field...

I live about 30 miles north of the Biloxi/Gulfport limits. It's completely rural up here, so it's much less cool. Obama got 20% of the votes (about 20% of the population is black; Obama's vote was pretty much just the black people and my family).