Bill Maher's Take on Herschel Walker - Funny and Scary!


There Can be Only One!
Our MAGA buddies love to quote Bill because he picks on the extremist "woke" which is like one or two idiots in San Francisco.

Well, here's what Bill had to say about "the Hersh" and the today's MAGA-idiots. It's all true and so emblematic of the GOP's decline.


Our MAGA buddies love to quote Bill because he picks on the extremist "woke" which is like one or two idiots in San Francisco.

Well, here's what Bill had to say about "the Hersh" and the today's MAGA-idiots. It's all true and so emblematic of the GOP's decline.



I saw it on HBO. There's a couple of messages there that point out the problems on both sides. The part about the trans-Canadian teacher with the supersized tits @6:15 is the clearest message speaking out against both Left and Right Wing extremism:
“This is a clear difference between the parties — Democrats also think the other side is an existential threat, but their response is not to nominate sickos to make a point,” Maher added.

Anyone can do absolutely anything in the name of wokeness and the left will never stop them. And that’s when Republicans say, ‘Well then we’ll have to no matter who we have to elect to do it,” he said. “The fact that Republicans have no shame in their game and will vote for any monster with an R by his name is their way of signaling how serious they are about blocking this shit.”
"In their mind, the worse a candidate is, the more it says to Democrats: 'Do you see how much we don't like what you're selling?'" Maher said. "All that socialism and identity politics and victimhood and oversensitivity and cancel culture and white self-loathing and forcing complicated ideas about race and sex on kids too young to understand it — literally anything would be better than that."