Bill Richardson, Trapped in the 80's


Worst gambler ever

(CNN) — Bill Richardson has made his extensive diplomacy experience a central theme of his campaign – but at Saturday night’s Democratic debate in New Hampshire, the former U.N. ambassador seemed to have a foreign policy flashback, promising to make “negotiations with the Soviet Union” one of his first priorities as president.


That's great, but what's he going to do about Yugoslavia and the Ottoman Empire.
Hello we're dealing with this issue right now with Pakistan for example. Don't you want someone who knows what they're doing to deal with Pakistan? I believe Saudi Arabia has nukes too.
I don't see why older people are always slipping and calling it the Soviet Union. Luckily I was 5 when the Cold War ended in 1991, and have only ever known it as Russia...
Beats me. Could be anything really. Red scare or habit. I wouldn't be surprised if it's just a habit thing.

I don't see why older people are always slipping and calling it the Soviet Union. Luckily I was 5 when the Cold War ended in 1991, and have only ever known it as Russia...
Yeah, I've even had geography teachers do it in high school. One of the candidates did it in 2004 and people laughed at them for it. I think it was Dean. Its kind of one of those 'celebrity slips and falls on the red carpet' moments.
I don't see why older people are always slipping and calling it the Soviet Union. Luckily I was 5 when the Cold War ended in 1991, and have only ever known it as Russia...

When you get used to calling it one thing over the course of 40-50 years, it is easier for a person to slip.