Billionaires should not exist

I would favor an extreme tax on excessive wealth.

But I believe there should be an option for good people.

OK, so here's my reasoning.

Money doesn't really exist. Well, of course, it does exist, but it is not a natural thing. Humans invented the concept. Now we have it and it causes lots of problems. Having money exist is like giving greedy people all the rope they need to hang themselves. And they do. Oh do they ever. They get so obsessed with gathering money they are like the addicted test monkey that will keep hitting the button for another hit of cocaine instead of the one for food.

They gather so much money it's bad for them.

They gather way more than they ever need to meet their needs and be happy.

What is the point of living? That's a question that has individual answers. Nicely we are free to decide for ourselves what the point of it all is.

For me, I like the lines from that James Taylor song: "The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time." (which explains why I make no time for trolls)

We all need money. We need money to enjoy our lives, to enjoy the passage of time. Some are born into it, most have to work for their own.

The super-rich have way more than they need to enjoy their lives. They have so much they routinely have to decide what is to happen to it all when they die. That's because they have way more money than they will ever spend during their lifetime, even if they live a life of ultimate luxury.

That strikes me as a waste of wealth. It should be put to better use. Especially true when there is so much need in the world which can be met by using that wealth for a good purpose.

So let's tax it away from the super-rich who are not using it as well as it could be used.

But let's give them the option of deciding how it will be used. Most of us don't get the option of deciding how our tax money is spent. We get to have a small say, which is virtually useless with Congress.

But this situation is different. We are talking about taking away a lot of money these people earned or amassed somehow through investments or inheritance or luck or whatever. Let's give them the option of directing what good purpose it is to be used for, or even setting up a non-profit to accomplish that purpose. Let the selections be reviewed by Congress. Just make some simple ground rules. It needs to benefit a large number of people of limited means.

They would have the option of either doing that or just let the government take it and use it for the same purpose outlined in the above simple rule.

Because really, after so much money is amassed into a personal fortune? More doesn't make their life any better. After some magic point all they are doing is trying to post the biggest number.

There is a lot of greed in this world that goes towards trying to have the biggest number depicting net worth.

So let's acknowledge all this earning in a different way. Come up with a scoring system. When their wealth is taken away, or forced to be spent for good under this system, GIVE THEM POINTS!

Let them compete for prestige by getting the most points! Then that wealth can be used for true goodness rather than just funding large greedy corporations which only serve to make a few executives and investors richer. Those corporations will be just fine. They are all sitting on piles of cash anyway.

Who can get the most GOODPOINTS?

Let the competition begin.
Hello Celticguy,

And once he squanders that money then should millionaires like him mo longer exist as well ?

I gotta laugh at the talk about Bernie being a millionaire. Like passing that threshold automatically makes one part of the hated elite rich. Bernie is doing fine, yes. His wealth came late in life, largely from writing a best-seller book.

It totally amazes me how many people see little difference between being a millionaire and being a billionaire. Let's put it into perspective. A hundred thousand dollars is a lot of money. (For most people, anyway. It's nothing to Trump.) So, you take a hundred thousand dollars and multiply it by ten, that's a million dollars. If the total of your assets, less the total of your debts, equals a million dollars or more, you are said to be a millionaire. Simple enough, but that goal is only met by a very small percentage of our population.

Now, you take a million dollars (far more than most people will ever amass,) and you multiply THAT by a thousand and you've got a billion dollars. Being a billionaire is like becoming a millionaire A THOUSAND TIMES OVER. (that's a lot)

There is such a huge difference between being a millionaire and being a billionaire, they are not even close. I know they might as well be the same thing for most people who will never even make it to a million, but there is a HUGE difference.

OK, 'nuff said on that.

Now to another part of your comment.

What makes you think Bernie is 'squandering away his money?' Do you have ANY evidence of this? Or is it just another unsubstantiated wild claim.....

You are welcome to post any links supporting what you say.

Or you can admit it was just meaningless talk. A mean thing to say, for which you have no reason to say other than ?

Why would you say such a thing?

It appears to be nothing but idle negativity.
Bernie was refering to other people's money that he wishes to seize and spend.
So he does so, spends it all on whatever. Then its gone. And he needs more to sieze and spend.

Its all moot of course as he will never be elected much less cause all this seizing and spending to occur.
Bernie was refering to other people's money that he wishes to seize and spend.
So he does so, spends it all on whatever. Then its gone. And he needs more to sieze and spend.

Its all moot of course as he will never be elected much less cause all this seizing and spending to occur.

Not at all. He wants to fix the tax system and the tax loopholes that benefit the wealthy. He wants to crank up the estate tax. Those rich fucks have actually convinced the Reds that ending it would help them. Generational wealth is a threat to the American experiment. Money includes power. The wealthy are getting more and more . Moscow Mitch is helping the plutocracy get established.
Not at all. He wants to fix the tax system and the tax loopholes that benefit the wealthy. He wants to crank up the estate tax. Those rich fucks have actually convinced the Reds that ending it would help them. Generational wealth is a threat to the American experiment. Money includes power. The wealthy are getting more and more . Moscow Mitch is helping the plutocracy get established.

Typical dumbass response from Gonzo!
This is just a pipe dream that will never come close to being enacted. Hell even wealth taxes in European countries have fallen because of evasion and capital flight. There would be massive new bureaucracy's created trying to enforce such legislation and of course tax and legal lawyers would have a field day representing the wealthy. It would be an administrative nightmare.
This is just a pipe dream that will never come close to being enacted. Hell even wealth taxes in European countries have fallen because of evasion and capital flight. There would be massive new bureaucracy's created trying to enforce such legislation and of course tax and legal lawyers would have a field day representing the wealthy. It would be an administrative nightmare.

He is desperate and he had little choice but to cut his own throat. The funny part is that this cements the nomination for biden without making the dnc be the bad guys this go round.
Bernie was refering to other people's money that he wishes to seize and spend.
So he does so, spends it all on whatever. Then its gone. And he needs more to sieze and spend.

Its all moot of course as he will never be elected much less cause all this seizing and spending to occur.
Yet that spending will go into the economy, boosting consumer spending and GDP growth.

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He is desperate and he had little choice but to cut his own throat. The funny part is that this cements the nomination for biden without making the dnc be the bad guys this go round.

He actually proposed a wealth tax back in '16. Warren took it this time around and up'd the amount. So he had to go even higher.