Bin Laden Trail 'Stone Cold': No Credible Lead in More Than Two Years


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The clandestine U.S. commandos whose job is to capture or kill Osama bin Laden have not received a credible lead in more than two years. Nothing from the vast U.S. intelligence world -- no tips from informants, no snippets from electronic intercepts, no points on any satellite image -- has led them anywhere near the al-Qaeda leader.

and Dubya promised us he would look in every cave and under every rock and would not rest until Osama was brought to justice..... LIAR
So...we've stopped looking and Bush is now 'resting' ? No shit....

Thats a great crystal ball you got there...
I thought bush said catching OBL was no longer important or something to that effect ?
Each time he was attempting to assuage people. As soon as he said he'd get him everybody was on his behind because he was "just a figurehead" then later when he says that he has learned something and that he is "just a figurehead" then he gets heat...

It just gets stooopid hearing him get it from both ends like this. Either you care or don't care.
It just gets stooopid hearing him get it from both ends like this.

Ahhh, but with Bush it is hard to tell one end from the other :)
If we get OBL tomorrow it won't change a thing. The war will continue. If he's captured the aclu will complain about what methods were used and a bunch of laywers will jump up offering to defend him and the trial will be a television event for the next ten years. In the meantime the war will continue, someone else will step up to take his place.

OBL just made a name for himself. there are many others out there that are just as bad if not worse than him. But there won't be any real closure for 9/11 until he and all his followers are dead.
and Dubya promised us he would look in every cave and under every rock and would not rest until Osama was brought to justice..... LIAR

This is why my opinion of the Afganistan war is chaning to somewhat of a failure as well. The main goal originally was to disband the taliban which they did to some degree and to get Osama. Five years later and they act....correction they say he's not important anymore. Huh? Did I miss something?
What's the deal with Bush saying "we can't go into Pakistan to get Bin Ladin", because the Pak government won't allow us.

what kind of bullshit is that? Since we are now officially in a state of war, the U.S. can most certainly send special ops into Pakistan to kill bin ladin. It can be kept covert, to spare the Pakistanis government any embarrasment.

I can't imagine FDR or Eisnehower letting Nazi units retreat to neutral switzerland, and call off the pursuit at that point.
I can't imagine FDR or Eisnehower letting Nazi units retreat to neutral switzerland, and call off the pursuit at that point.

Good point. I'd be interested to see how Bush handles Pakistan's amnesty for the Taliban. Covert ops would be the only way to go in this case.