Biofuel breakthru

If biofuels come to the US, they should only come in the form of agricultural waste. It's immoral for us to replace our food producing capability with switchgrass whenever so many of the world's citizens are starving.
All bio fuels ...............

take more energy to produce than energy received...hydrogen cells are the way to go!
take more energy to produce than energy received...hydrogen cells are the way to go!


Pretty much all portable energy sources take more energy to produce than energy recieved, including hydrogen, biofuels, even gasoline. The only real advantage of hydrogen is that it can be conveniently pumped, unlike batteries, which you have to spend hours recharging. Biofules are the least efficient out of all.
i say solar

I say a combination ot tech soloutions.

But anyway on the solar . would widespread use of solar decrease global warming by absorbing more of the suns energy and converting it to electricity ? the carbon thing aside.

also hard to raise food or fuel stocks under solar panels. But they grow fine under windmills.
You must have missed the part...'In theory' relating to cost and energy to produce...! Get back to me when this hypothesis becomes a fact!

yeah well how much energy does it take to produce hydrogen for hydrogen use ?
And how much of that is still theoretical ?


Pretty much all portable energy sources take more energy to produce than energy recieved, including hydrogen, biofuels, even gasoline. The only real advantage of hydrogen is that it can be conveniently pumped, unlike batteries, which you have to spend hours recharging. Biofules are the least efficient out of all.

that was my is a fact hydrogen cells take the least amount of energy to produce...when and if the theory presented on the new breakthru on switch grass bio fuel comes to light as a fact...then I will become a believer...until then and for the forceable future Hydrogen cells are the most viable solution!

yeah well how much energy does it take to produce hydrogen for hydrogen use ?
And how much of that is still theoretical ?

Hydorgen fuel cells are being used and tested as we is out of the R&R stage and is now in R&D (development) and is being put to practical testing!
If biofuels come to the US, they should only come in the form of agricultural waste. It's immoral for us to replace our food producing capability with switchgrass whenever so many of the world's citizens are starving.
We wouldn't have to WM, not with this. You use the leftover crap and switch grass.

Seriously, switch grass is the stuff the grows wild everywhere.
How is the hybrid doing Damo ?
What did you get an Escape ?

The Prius ain't bad , If I could ever get to drive it...
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How is the hybrid doing Damo ?
What did you get an Escape ?

The Prius ain't bad , If I could ever get to drive it...
I got a Civic.

I'm getting about 48 MPG and that is saving me just a bit over $700 per month.

I like it quite a bit.