Biologists trying to save endangered species use the wrong fish

Damo said that he was stirfry, whom I do not know, but this tinfoil is a real troll type, IA material at best. In a perfect world, he would be chopped up and used as bait.

Folks, do you see how mean these lefty babes can be, it is just like the hippy girls from the 60s with their flowers, butt, if you rubbed them the wrong way their little faces would get twisted up and they would get mean fast? I admit the tinhead is too stupit to be used as much more than bait, butt, is it the kind of thing you come out and say? At least use tinhead for something less brutal, like a python, or, orange traffic cone to non-mensas? Maybe Damocles needs a doorstop, with the traffic getting higher in here? Use your noodle next time Darla, there is no reason to chop him up like that?
RJS reminds me of someone too. Can't quite place it though.

Please do not think too hard, I can smell the smoke already, you lefty pinheads are environmental dangers? And, I do not see you figuring it out, no matter how much smoke comes out of your head? Thank you, I do not know how I do it, butt, skewering lefty fools just comes natural to me, like a God-given talent?
Again, you misused the word "but." You seem to have trouble with your "t"s since you also spelled "stupiD" with a T and the end.
Again, you misused the word "but." You seem to have trouble with your "t"s since you also spelled "stupiD" with a T and the end.

Thank you, you have won the spelling bea, fool, and your hat is in the mail, in the meantime, I am still mensa and you are still not, and your lefty babes still like me better, try again next time, sorry.
spelling bee.

Scan in your membership card. I can't imagine a guy who can't spell "but" or "stupid" is in an organization that requires a 150+ IQ.

Considering the fact that you're also a conservative, I think that excludes you from most fields of academic achievement.
Folks, do you see how mean these lefty babes can be, it is just like the hippy girls from the 60s with their flowers, butt, if you rubbed them the wrong way their little faces would get twisted up and they would get mean fast? I admit the tinhead is too stupit to be used as much more than bait, butt, is it the kind of thing you come out and say? At least use tinhead for something less brutal, like a python, or, orange traffic cone to non-mensas? Maybe Damocles needs a doorstop, with the traffic getting higher in here? Use your noodle next time Darla, there is no reason to chop him up like that?

Yum, stirfry, now I will have to go rustle up some grub!
RJS is NOT dixie tools.

RJS is Superfreak.

SuperFreak, putting aside these continued sheniggans of yours with your cockamamie story about being RJS, the King of Cool, how believable do you think that is? Are you not amazed at how many lefties and righties are taking me on, trying to get their JPP wings by taking out RJS, a figmant? You knew quickly, leaving me to try and mensa out the puzzle of, either you are much smarter than I took you for, or, these other JPP posters are much stupiter than they look, and in Ass's case, well think about it, how stupit would he have to be to be stupiter than he looks? I am leaning towards the answer being that the other JPP posters are extroidnarily stupit, perhaps there has been an outbreak of mad cow disease, rather than it being any superior intellecut on your part, face it you are not exactly part of the liberatti or lefty intelligenisia set, as much as you try to be?