Birth Certificates & Passports


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I cannot decide which one committed the largest political crime in history. To execute and get away with crimes of that magnitude had to be conspiracies. No individual crook could pull it off.

NOTE: There was no conspiracy involved when he singlehandedly almost stole a state:


James Addison Reavis

James Addison Reavis (May 10, 1843 – November 27, 1914), later using the name James Addison Peralta-Reavis, the so-called Baron of Arizona, was an American forger and fraudster. He is best known in association with the Peralta land grant, also known as the Barony of Arizona, a pair of fraudulent land claims, which if certified, would have granted him ownership over 18,600 square miles (48,200 km2) of land in central Arizona Territory and western New Mexico Territory. During the course of the fraud, Reavis collected an estimated US$5.3 million in cash and promissory notes ($165 million in present-day terms through the sale of quitclaims and proposed investment plans.

Under the terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and the Gadsden Purchase, the United States was required to recognize and honor existing land grants made by either the Spanish or Mexican governments. Reavis used this provision by manufacturing a fictional claim and then generating a collection of documents demonstrating how the claim came into his possession. The documents were then covertly inserted into various records archives. In his initial claim, Reavis claimed title to the grant via a series of conveyances. When serious challenges to this claim developed, Reavis developed a second claim by marrying the purported last surviving lineal descendant of the original claim recipient.

During the course of his deception, Reavis convinced prominent people to support his efforts. He obtained legal and political support from Roscoe Conkling, Robert G. Ingersoll, and James Broadhead. Business leaders such as Charles Crocker and John W. Mackay, in turn, provided financial support. Initial exposure of the fraud occurred when an unfavorable surveyor general report caused the claim to be summarily dismissed. In response to this action, Reavis sued the U.S. government for US$11 million in damages ($342 million in present-day terms. The suit, in turn, prompted the U.S. government to perform a detailed investigation that fully exposed the forgeries Reavis had planted in a variety of locations.

1. China Joe Biden stole the office with more help than Lenin, Hitler or Mao ever got.

2. The lying sack of shit got the same help Biden got when he, Obama, committed numerous crimes to become president knowing he was constitutionally ineligible.

The way that Biden committed his crime is well-documented and irrefutable. The sack of shit’s crimes remain in the dark.

Neither piece of garbage will be held accountable.

Jack Cashill revisited Obama’s crimes, but he placed his emphasis on Obama’s birth certificate:

If Obama were born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961, there would have been no reason not to share it. In my own forthcoming book, Barack Obama's Promised Land: Deplorables Need Not Apply, I argue that Obama was hiding not the "where" of his birth, but the "when." Although this argument is speculative, Obama's behavior strongly suggests he was hiding something.

May 28, 2021
Just Who Made Obama's Birth Certificate an Issue?
By Jack Cashill

Democrat bureaucrats play fast and loose with official documents, most notably coronavirus death certificates, Obama’s computer-generated birth certificate, and passports:

Oops! Obama mama passport 'destroyed'
Posted By Jerome R. Corsi On 08/01/2010 @ 6:28 pm

Then there is this: When Mama Obama registered Barack’s birth she would have written British East Africa rather than Kenya on any documents she filled out. To me, the repeated use of Kenya in stories is just one more piece of misdirection. To repeatedly say that Barack’s father was born in Kenya reads better than saying he was born in British East Africa.

Mama Obama could not arrive in this country carrying a baby she did not have listed on her passport when she left for Africa. I doubt if she could board a plane in Africa without proof that the infant was hers. That proof could only come from the U.S. Embassy records that would prove that he was not eligible to be president.

The story at the time said that Mama Obama planned on returning to the U.S. before the baby was due. That did not happen; so she had Barack in British East Africa according to Barack’s paternal grandmother and his half-sister.

In her wildest dreams Mama never saw her half-black son having a chance to run for president even assuming she was knowledgeable about the eligibility clause in the Constitution. If she did have presidential ambitions for baby Barack, and if she did understand the eligibility clause, she never would have went to British East Africa in the first place.

Being born in a foreign country is not covered by the constitutional meaning of natural born; especially when only one parent is American. That is why Obama’s people desperately claimed he was born in Hawaii. That is also why the people with the authority refuse to go to the American Embassy’s records in British East Africa from 1961, or go to the records from Mama Obama’s port of entry when she returned from British East Africa. The birth certificate smokescreen was their best hope of avoiding his constitutional ineligibility.
I cannot decide which one committed the largest political crime in history. To execute and get away with crimes of that magnitude had to be conspiracies. No individual crook could pull it off.

NOTE: There was no conspiracy involved when he singlehandedly almost stole a state:

James Addison Reavis (May 10, 1843 – November 27, 1914), later using the name James Addison Peralta-Reavis, the so-called Baron of Arizona, was an American forger and fraudster. He is best known in association with the Peralta land grant, also known as the Barony of Arizona, a pair of fraudulent land claims, which if certified, would have granted him ownership over 18,600 square miles (48,200 km2) of land in central Arizona Territory and western New Mexico Territory. During the course of the fraud, Reavis collected an estimated US$5.3 million in cash and promissory notes ($165 million in present-day terms through the sale of quitclaims and proposed investment plans.

Under the terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and the Gadsden Purchase, the United States was required to recognize and honor existing land grants made by either the Spanish or Mexican governments. Reavis used this provision by manufacturing a fictional claim and then generating a collection of documents demonstrating how the claim came into his possession. The documents were then covertly inserted into various records archives. In his initial claim, Reavis claimed title to the grant via a series of conveyances. When serious challenges to this claim developed, Reavis developed a second claim by marrying the purported last surviving lineal descendant of the original claim recipient.

During the course of his deception, Reavis convinced prominent people to support his efforts. He obtained legal and political support from Roscoe Conkling, Robert G. Ingersoll, and James Broadhead. Business leaders such as Charles Crocker and John W. Mackay, in turn, provided financial support. Initial exposure of the fraud occurred when an unfavorable surveyor general report caused the claim to be summarily dismissed. In response to this action, Reavis sued the U.S. government for US$11 million in damages ($342 million in present-day terms. The suit, in turn, prompted the U.S. government to perform a detailed investigation that fully exposed the forgeries Reavis had planted in a variety of locations.

1. China Joe Biden stole the office with more help than Lenin, Hitler or Mao ever got.

2. The lying sack of shit got the same help Biden got when he, Obama, committed numerous crimes to become president knowing he was constitutionally ineligible.

The way that Biden committed his crime is well-documented and irrefutable. The sack of shit’s crimes remain in the dark.

Neither piece of garbage will be held accountable.

Jack Cashill revisited Obama’s crimes, but he placed his emphasis on Obama’s birth certificate:

If Obama were born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961, there would have been no reason not to share it. In my own forthcoming book, Barack Obama's Promised Land: Deplorables Need Not Apply, I argue that Obama was hiding not the "where" of his birth, but the "when." Although this argument is speculative, Obama's behavior strongly suggests he was hiding something.

May 28, 2021
Just Who Made Obama's Birth Certificate an Issue?
By Jack Cashill

Democrat bureaucrats play fast and loose with official documents, most notably coronavirus death certificates, Obama’s computer-generated birth certificate, and passports:

Oops! Obama mama passport 'destroyed'
Posted By Jerome R. Corsi On 08/01/2010 @ 6:28 pm

Then there is this: When Mama Obama registered Barack’s birth she would have written British East Africa rather than Kenya on any documents she filled out. To me, the repeated use of Kenya in stories is just one more piece of misdirection. To repeatedly say that Barack’s father was born in Kenya reads better than saying he was born in British East Africa.

Mama Obama could not arrive in this country carrying a baby she did not have listed on her passport when she left for Africa. I doubt if she could board a plane in Africa without proof that the infant was hers. That proof could only come from the U.S. Embassy records that would prove that he was not eligible to be president.

The story at the time said that Mama Obama planned on returning to the U.S. before the baby was due. That did not happen; so she had Barack in British East Africa according to Barack’s paternal grandmother and his half-sister.

In her wildest dreams Mama never saw her half-black son having a chance to run for president even assuming she was knowledgeable about the eligibility clause in the Constitution. If she did have presidential ambitions for baby Barack, and if she did understand the eligibility clause, she never would have went to British East Africa in the first place.

Being born in a foreign country is not covered by the constitutional meaning of natural born; especially when only one parent is American. That is why Obama’s people desperately claimed he was born in Hawaii. That is also why the people with the authority refuse to go to the American Embassy’s records in British East Africa from 1961, or go to the records from Mama Obama’s port of entry when she returned from British East Africa. The birth certificate smokescreen was their best hope of avoiding his constitutional ineligibility.

The left had the same hysterical reaction to the birth certificate issue as they do now to anyone daring to question the election. Why?
Obama has a birth certificate saying he was born in the USA, but also the two newspapers that would have announced he was born in Hawaii both announced his birth. To alter that, he would have needed to alter every copy of the newspapers found around the world.

His mother was taking finals a few days before his birth. So she would have had to smuggle her very pregnant self (without a passport) to Africa, given birth, smuggled herself and baby back to Hawaii, and finally bribed state officials.

Or she could have taken her finals, and then given birth where she was, Hawaii.