Birth Control Takes Life


"I Bring You Life!"

Birth Control Takes Life

The greatest threat to America, Israel, and Democracies generally, is a steeply declining birthrate, so severe that by the end of this century, none of us, or our descendants, will be here, and the world will be left in the hands of dictatorships taking us back to the Dark Ages.

People may be living here in America after we are gone, as they were living here before we came, but WE who created this great nation, which is God’s last best gift to humanity, are finished demographically, and will no longer be here.

Therefore, we will not be needing our Constitution, our Flag, or our Bill or Rights, or even our Bible, for we will not be here. It's all over for us, as it stands now.

Birth Control is also the greatest National Security threat we face. The 911 Terrorists were motivated by the conviction, based on current facts, that America was cursed and doomed by Allah, because of our decreasing numbers, and that they,(the terrorists) were just helping Allah finish us off.

Now, you don't hear much about this, because it is a very unpopular message that people do not take kindly to. Who likes bad news?

Probably, our not liking this truth is based on our knowing we are all guilty of wiping out most, if not all, of our children with various forms, devices, and methods of Birth Control, including the Catholic Rhythm Method, etc, which take the lives of babies just as efficiently as Protestant Condoms. There is no basic difference between Artificial and “Natural” Birth Control. They both produce dead babies.

It is to be hoped that everyone understands that this is something that should be a serious concern to any person who claims they are a Conservative and/or a Believer. This view is based on a lot of research into both the Bible and Secular sources, including the Law, Business and Science. The Bible throughout, extols life, and condemns Birth Control as a major method of killing off God’s People.

All Churches condemned birth control, and considered it murder, for more than 2000 years until 1930 when the Anglican Church at its Lambeth Conference OK'd birth control for the first time in more than 2000 years of Church history.

Thereafter, like greedy sheep, all other denominations including the reluctant Catholics have followed them in one way or another. Today, sadly, essentially NO religious body completely condemns Birth Control.

FRC Family Research Council and Heritage Foundation have produced a video documentary called “Demographic Winter” (check You Tube for a preview) that details a lot of what’s in this post, and Alan Carlson is effective on this as well, but mostly Conservatives and Christians are totally silent on this life and death issue. Out of guilt their own burning guilt and shame, presumably....

"I came to bring Life and Life More Abundantly!"

Under best circumstances it takes 2.2 children to just replace any population. Any group becomes statistically extinct in less than 100 years that reproduces at half of replacement. It's just simple arithmetic. By any measure this is America's last century. It's all over. People will be living here after we're gone but they won't be us, UNLESS WE CHANGE OUR WAYS DRASTICALLY. FounderChurch@Gmail.Com[/B]
The Birth Control Politically Correct Self Serving Cult would have us accept on blind faith that the World is "over-populated" and that the answer is the current state of reproduction based on the unquestioning worship of the God of Birth Control, and the rejection of all other competing religions.

The most intelligent and safest course is to assume the exact opposite until the whole matter has been substantially researched, investigated, discussed, analyzed, debated, and subjected to scientific method research.

Certain things we already know, that the entire Universe is constantly expanding, both arithmetically, and in terms of our discovering more of it exists, such that it could conservatively be postulated that the Universe can easily provide space and resources to support many, many, many Trillions of people.

Now as to there being other intelligent life in the Universe that also might need space and resources, we have no idea at this time. There may well be absolutely no other life in the entire Universe, other than ourselves. One calculation, out of many, is that statistically there is no better than a 50-50 chance that we are totally alone.

Another calculation is that inasmuch as we have already looked fairly intensively over a substantially long period of time, that it can be concluded that the longer we look the less and less chance there is, that we will find anything at all, no matter that some Fantasy Science Fiction writers make a lot of money continuing to make totally unsupported wild assumptions about the Universe being full of people like us, without any proof whatsoever, that there is so much as a single bacterium out there.

Self-Serving people that are in favor of Birth Control work night and day to make the case that it is good for humanity, nations, communities, families, women, and individuals, for humanity to drastically exterminate most of its numbers, when the actual evidence leads to the exact opposite conclusion.

Fact is, despite the growing total of people on earth, that a careful and dispassionate analysis of the demographic details can be said to indicate that humanity is actually headed to extinction from an array of multiple causes and sources, and that these multiple threats of extinction are not only growing, but that their danger is geometric as they come from a multiplicity of sources and directions.

These threats can be seen in a panorama of scenarios where the planet itself and all life on it, or just the human species, can be exterminated by natural forces such as Volcanic, Seismic, Collision with other astral bodies, Solar change, Environmental, and over-Cooling or over-Heating of the Atmosphere. Then there are Viral threats that can exterminate either all life or just human species life, and Sentient threats of alien life showing up from "out there" and the ever present threat of a World War between human groups using genocidal weapons such as Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, and Electro-Magnetic. Add to this life unfriendly Climate Change that can be either from a natural source, or that is developed by humans as a weapon. Then there is dysgenic reproduction where the human races go down the path of a de-evolution mode that leads humanity to systematically become biologically unsustainable, and as a consequence, unable to replicate itself. But, there are many, many other threats to human survival, too numerous to cite, so this is just a very short list to wake people up sufficiently to get their heads out of the sand.

Thus, the selfish self-serving Birth Control Cult Mania is in reality the greatest threat to us, all by itself, and to human survival either on this planet or anywhere else.

What is needed is a sane comprehensive discussion that focuses on the intelligent managing of the real situation we find ourselves in. We need to stop being afraid to even discuss any of these potential threats, and the consequences of our reproductive practices which may well be a likely part of the problem, and not part of the solution.

The Problem is to get this whole discussion out of the Taboo Politically Correct category corner that it is now confined to, and get it out into the middle of public square in order to sort out our best way forward, minimizing risks and maximizing opportunities. :)