Birx risks reputation in bid to keep on Trump's good side


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It's not worth it Dr. Brix defending the orange clown, unless you plan on working for Trump organization after he leaves office in January 2021?!! Your creditably is on the line?!!

Last Thursday Deborah Birx sat in the White House press briefing room's the US president speculated on whether injecting disinfectant might offer a “cleaning” of the lungs.

“Don’t do anything he just said!” is what Dr Birx should have exclaimed at that moment, argues Kurt Bardella, a political columnist and commentator, explaining: “A doctor right there has an obligation to correct that in real time. If the president wants to fire that person, then so be it.”
But Birx said no such thing.


I guess the OP is such and illiterate cunt that he never heard of Lavage!

Also must have never heard of Aytu Bioscience who is developing a UV catheter that goes into the lungs.

Aytu BioScience said: “The Healight technology employs proprietary methods of administering intermittent ultraviolet (UV) A light via a novel endotracheal medical device. Pre-clinical findings indicate the technology’s significant impact on eradicating a wide range of viruses and bacteria, inclusive of coronavirus. The data have been the basis of discussions with the FDA for a near-term path to enable human use for the potential treatment of coronavirus in intubated patients in the intensive care unit (ICU).”
Have you been reading any of the multitude of bestsellers that have spawned from the people that ended up being fired from the White House?

Well, to say the least, they are very telling about what it is like working for Donald Trump and having to play into his insane ego!

This has been repeated over and over again, that having to walk that tight line over hell itself, brings people to a conundrum and dilemma- and that is "DO I want to look like a suck-up and coddle Donnie's Balls, for all to see, to try to keep my job for the greater good for my country, or just escape like a bat-out-of-HELL and RUN FOR THE HILLS!

I had a boss like TRUMP once, and people we would hire, would start on their very first day with such good attitudes and conviction, but have to deal with my boss, go on their first break- AND WE WOULD NEVER SEE OR HEAR FROM THEM EVER AGAIN! LOL!

You must put yourself in their situation to even know how you would handle it!

Cut them some slack!
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Cartoon kenny needs to post silly cartoons because he can't think things up on his own, he needs to look to "comics" to spark any thought.
Dr. Birx is a typical "Administrator" worried about her job. Most of us have worked for a Birx type boss at some point in time.
Cartoon kenny needs to post silly cartoons because he can't think things up on his own, he needs to look to "comics" to spark any thought.
That's the latest trend here ...they've run out of things to say....
At least Dr. Fauci isn't playing Trump's game, and I also feel that Trump would just love to replace Fauci with one of his lackeys.
At least Dr. Fauci isn't playing Trump's game, and I also feel that Trump would just love to replace Fauci with one of his lackeys.

The only thing saving Fauci's bacon right now from being fired is his popularity and reputation. As soon as they quit doing the daily Trump Show(tm), he'll be gone. Birx is no better than Pence. They're both craven toadies. Whether she's there because she thinks she can help, or because she wants her face on TV like her dear leader, is anyone's guess. I'm sure she was chosen for her ability to shrink in size and say what #COVID45 wants to hear.
I see way too many cartoons around here...

What is the average intellectual age here you figure?

Yeah, I admit I am guilty of it at times, but usually to counter something stupid and off topic.

That's hard to decipher. There are the extremes form both sides. Some of us are retired, others it's difficult to tell. I wouldn't want to try to guess an intellectual age.
Yeah, I admit I am guilty of it at times, but usually to counter something stupid and off topic.

That's hard to decipher. There are the extremes form both sides. Some of us are retired, others it's difficult to tell. I wouldn't want to try to guess an intellectual age.

Oh c'mon, RB. You know all of us old codgers are secretly still 18 on the inside. lol

She took the knee. Birx is Trump's choice over Fauci because he does not filter everything he says about if it will help Trump win in Nov.