

I was judging a middle school science fair the other day, and I talked to two of the other judges afterward. Turns out, they had given the name "Anthony" (Watermark) to a kid who hadn't done much work on his project but was smart enough to know everything about it.

tl;dr I have become a synonym for lazyiness.
I'm so fucked up i wouldn't do that big research paper every high schooler has to do junior year of highschool, with all those index cards and fastidious bibliography annotations. screw that. I got a d for the semester my junior year of high school. I got into college but wound up in the lowest grade of english circling nouns. circling fucking nouns in college!
I was judging a middle school science fair the other day, and I talked to two of the other judges afterward. Turns out, they had given the name "Anthony" (Watermark) to a kid who hadn't done much work on his project but was smart enough to know everything about it.

tl;dr I have become a synonym for lazyiness.
LOL, that rules. "Look this kid pulled a Watermark"...
I'm so fucked up i wouldn't do that big research paper every high schooler has to do junior year of highschool, with all those index cards and fastidious bibliography annotations. screw that. I got a d for the semester my junior year of high school. I got into college but wound up in the lowest grade of english circling nouns. circling fucking nouns in college!
That's so full of win, it can't be contained in one post. I thought I'd better spread it around.