Black Lines Matter

Apparently not many people know about it.

A few fine points about school bus rubrails. All rubrails are added on 'after' the entire sidewall is assembled. If you have to breach through a sidewall of a school bus, one of your two tactics is to disassemble the wall layer by layer; item by item. The other option is to work through all materials at one time; cutting with a sawing tool or ripping it all apart with a spreading-type tool. If you choose the first method and are 'disecting' the wall item by item, realize that the rub rail is the first thing to come off.

Also, at least one rubrail will curve around the rear corner of the school bus. This helps reinforce the rear during rearend collisions. If you're working what I call a rear 'tailight panel' removal assignment, cut the rubrail right at the curve to weaken it or it will fight you every step of the way.

Looking for more info. This is very interesting.