Black Republicans call out Trump — finally — on race

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Historian Jon Meacham in July declared Donald Trump tied with Andrew Johnson as “the most racist president in American history.”

Last week, Condoleezza Rice, the prominent Republican and former secretary of State, told CNN she doesn’t like how Trump talks about immigrants.

Trump needs to be a “lot more careful” in how he talks about race, she said, “because race is a very delicate and raw nerve.”

Team Trump’s path to reelection depends entirely on maximizing the white vote and playing to white resentment towards immigrants and people of color.

Trump is not worried about the black vote. Despite his boasts about the low African American unemployment rate — which saw its largest decline under President Obama — he knows he is unlikely to beat the 8 percent black support he got in 2016.
Is this the part where all the RWers show up and scream "RINO!" at Ms. Rice? And "fake news!!" just for good measure?
Transgnders, homosexuals... ....perverts.

Blacks are traditional when it comes to morality. They don't like that filth. When gay marriage was put to an actual vote in California blacks voted against it by 90%.

They will come to the GOP soon. They are the sleeping giant that is awakening.



Trump Approval Among Black Voters Rises to Record 40 Percent in Rasmussen Poll

"........Trump has steered clear of talking up welfare cuts at large, taking more popular angles, such as repealing Obamacare and imposing job requirements on welfare seekers. But, perhaps more than Goldwater, he was liberally accused of racism by Democrats. Those attacks, however, seem to be losing effectiveness. To begin with, Trump hadn’t been considered racist in the left-leaning circles of mainstream media and entertainment until he ran for president.

He’s also spent considerable effort to appeal to black voters, asking them to consider how electing Democrats for decades benefited them. Trump promised them jobs, safety, and education.

“We’re fighting every day for African-Americans, for more jobs, for higher wages, for safer communities, for great schools, and we want school choice. We got to have,” Trump said at the Oct. 27 rally in Evansville, Indiana. “We’re fighting hard. It’s going to make a big difference.”

Black unemployment, a powerful talking point, has dropped to historic lows under his administration’s “America First” economic agenda. Violent crime also slightly declined in 2017, after two years of increases.


The support of singer, producer, and businessman Kanye West has been helping Trump from another angle. West says he doesn’t agree with Trump on everything, but that it frees his mind to put on a Trump hat, as it allows him to escape the certain modes of thinking that society expects of him. Conservative political commentators such as Candace Owens and Dinesh D’Souza have popularized the expression “the Democratic Plantation,” which draws a parallel between the racism against blacks advocated by the Democratic Party in the past and the system of government dependency represented by the welfare state advocated by the Democrats of the present.

Some effects of the efforts of Owens and others can be seen among the blacks joining the Walk Away movement to leave the Democratic Party. Owens has recently announced a new initiative called “Blexit,” which specifically urges black Americans to leave the Democratic Party. A clothing line accompanies the movement, sporting “Blexit” and “We Free” in capital letters.

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Zogby Poll Has Trump Gaining Support Among Blacks And Hispanics.

“Race also played a factor in Trump’s job approval rating. Hispanics, this time around, were much more likely to approve of his job performance (49% approve/51% disapprove), while the president also saw his numbers jump with African Americans. This was his second straight poll with over a quarter support from African Americans (28% approve/70% disapprove). If Trump wins half of Hispanics and a quarter of African Americans in 2020, Democrats will be in trouble!”