Black Woman Gets In White Student’s Face For Having Dreadlocks


A video allegedly showing a woman at San Francisco State University verbally badgering a student for “cultural appropriation” has gone viral after being posted on YouTube Monday evening.

The woman can be heard telling the student, a white male, he can’t wear dreadlocks because “it’s [her] culture” and threatens to cut them off with scissors. The woman is identified in the YouTube as a “campus employee.”


After the student attempts to extricate himself from the woman’s grasp — “you have no right to tell me what I can wear on my head… stop touching me” — she pulls him back and says, “if you put your hands on me, you’re gonna learn.”

At the end of the video, she asks the cameraman “why are you filming this?” and shoves the lens after he responds, “for everyone’s safety.”


yeah just like that racist killing black people in a black church for being black

but Im sure you idiots think this is a bigger crime huh
What that lady did was absurd. Why isn't she labeled a racist for this? One can only imagine the outrage if a white person were to tell a black person not to do something that 'culturally white'.
Woman like this have been coddled far too long. She needs a nice bitch slap or even a punch in the face to remind her of her place. Too long has she gone without the reminder that she is fucking with the stronger member of the human sex. An average man could kill an average woman with their fists alone. Get the fuck away from me you dumb asshole or I'll fucking kill you.
What does the audience think of your attempted analogy?][QUOTE]

It was appropriate and put RacistX's OP in perspective.[/QUOTE]

It was a classic attempt by the loony to deflect attention away from the topic being discussed. This is the reason the US is so fucked up, even in a clear case of racism like this you can't bring yourself to denounce the bitch!!

What does the audience think of your attempted analogy?]

It was a classic attempt by the loony to deflect attention away from the topic being discussed. This is the reason the US is so fucked up, even in a clear case of racism like this you can't bring yourself to denounce the bitch!!


Caught being on the wrong side of a bunch of racist scum again, eh Borbo?
Poor Worthless Borbo
What does the audience think of your attempted analogy?]

It was a classic attempt by the loony to deflect attention away from the topic being discussed. This is the reason the US is so fucked up, even in a clear case of racism like this you can't bring yourself to denounce the bitch!!


For some reason this video almost seems staged though I'm not exactly sure what the woman would be trying to prove as she is pretty militant based on her Facebook page. But nonetheless little Leon would go out his way to deflect from it as you correctly called out. Racism is a partisan thing to him, not something that is an actual concern.