Blackflag - OWNED


JPP Modarater


Countdown to Dem disapointment!

11 hours or so and counting. Give or take a few.


What was that again?
Several owened folks over this election, but who would even want to own most of em ?
BF is Ok, but I am not into slaves or servants. It is just not my thing.
T <3's me.

My troll post would have been fun IF they lost.

I voted straight D this year :) I have rarely ever voted for D...uually I go (L) or with the moderate (R)s.
T <3's me.

My troll post would have been fun IF they lost.

I voted straight D this year :) I have rarely ever voted for D...uually I go (L) or with the moderate (R)s.

Good for you! If it makes you feel better I voted for some Rs in our state elections - they lost :p, but I stepped out of the box. From now on, I think my votes are going towards checks and balances. They need to keep each other on their toes.
Well, Blagflag was my "bitch" in Fantasy Football the week before last!!! :D

I was Immie's "bitch" this past week, got a pretty bad whipping from his team....:(

life is filled with "ups and downs".... ;)
That post would have been perfect if you stopped it here!

yeah, it would have been...I made a comment to it the day after my win and ownage of BF, but he never saw it....:(

So then my great high for the "bitch" ownage that I was feeling with the win against BF got shot to the ground with the whipping from Immie's team....the team I had wanted to BEAT UP ON the most..... :(:(:( total humbling of sorts!
