APP - blackwater executives

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
seems some of the former blackwater company's executives are being indicted for illegal arms sales

i wonder what else the may get nailed for :)

Associated Press/AP Online
By MIKE BAKER RALEIGH, N.C. - The former president of Blackwater Worldwide was charged Friday with using straw purchases to stockpile automatic weapons at the security firm and filing false documents to cover up gifts given to the king of Jordan.
Gary Jackson, 52, who left the company last year in a management shake-up, was charged along with four of his former colleagues, according to the federal indictment.
The prosecution opens a new front of the government's oversight of the sullied security company. Several of the company's contractors have previously been charged with federal crimes for their actions in war zones, but the company's executives have thus far weathered a range of investigations.
Blackwater has been trying to rehabilitate its image since a 2007 shooting in Baghdad that left 17 people dead, outraged the Iraqi government and led to a federal charges against several Blackwater guards - accusations later thrown out of court after a judge found prosecutors mishandled evidence. Around the time that Jackson left the company, Blackwater changed its name to Xe Services.
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on a side note, I read in the local papers that Erik Prince is going to be a speaker at one of the meetings held during our annual Tulip Festival here in Holland........