Blast Kills 16 in Afghan Capital, Including 2 U.S. Soldiers


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Published: September 8, 2006

KABUL, Afghanistan, Sept. 8 — A suicide bomber smashed his car into an American military vehicle just yards from the United States embassy in downtown Kabul this morning, killing up to 16 people and wounding 29, among them at least two American soldiers, Afghan and American officials said.

The U.S. military issued a statement confirming the death of two soldiers and said two others were wounded. The Afghan police said five American soldiers were killed, 11 civilians and the suicide bomber.

It was one of the most powerful explosions seen in Kabul, and comes amid a sharp escalation of violence in Afghanistan. Kabul residents braced themselves for more violence as they prepared to mark the fifth anniversary on Saturday of the death of the legendary mujahedeen commander Ahmed Shah Masood, who was killed by two Al Qaeda suicide bombers in an assassination that has been linked to 9/11. That attack was the first known suicide bombing to occur in Afghanistan. There have been over 50 such attacks in the last year which have killed over 100 civilians.

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The libs can start keeping track of casualty figures in afgan now too. They will be calling for a withdrawl there soon as well.