Blizzard do Fri-Sun...........!


Pineapple express meeting Cold air from Alaska do to hit the N/W Reno area....2-3' at lake level 3-7' above lake level with wind gust from 60-100 mph expected...!:(

Get prepared damo should hit Colorado Sunday or Monday!

side note:I will probably be knocked off the internet Friday or Saturday as this type of storm usually knocks our power off...if not I will probably be busy shoveling snow off the trucks and clearing the Lady T,Darla SB82 and a few other should be happy campers they won't have to read my meanie posts!:cof1:
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Im loving that my town is going to get three straight days of rain.

We need it.

Tahoe will be loving the business.

I thought we in VC were shawdowed out of the big Pineapple express storm!...It started out raining and melted the left over snow from last the temperature just dropped to below freezing and the flakes are a falling...the local storm warning says some 1-3 feet at Lake level...yuk!... and some 10' above Lake Level...gonna be a long week-end..

Get ready Damo it is heading your way...should hit y'all by Sunday or Monday...have fun! I know I won't...hate alot of snow!

The worst has area got about 2' of wet snow...not the powder kind...Tahoe got hit harder about 3'...Down the hill from me in Lyon county a levie broke and about 400 houses(3500 residents displaced) were flooded from the early melt off as it rained before the snow set...did not start snowing until about 5:00 pm yesterday then kept comming until about midnight!

Spent from about 6:30am until 11:am clearing the cars,trucks and driveway...I'm beat! Damo is in for it...should hit Colorado tomorrow or Monday...:cof1: His turn in the barrel!
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A second storm hit last night...had to clear the driveway again...YUk! At least the sun came out so I think this one is on the way to Colorado...Damo will be a busy little beaver the next few days!:cof1:
Exercise is cool.......

M'eh... I get to use the snow thrower... It just gets me some exercise.

However when it turns to exhaustion it is not year I think I will invest in a quad with a plow...could clear my driveway...then make a few bucks clearing others...:D
However when it turns to exhaustion it is not year I think I will invest in a quad with a plow...could clear my driveway...then make a few bucks clearing others...:D
I've been thinking of getting a bobcat. Not quite as expensive as a good sized tractor, but just as useful for clearing driveways.

You know that "blizzard" of yours? It dropped a massive 1/2 inch on us... I didn't even bother to attempt to clear the driveway.

Either it dropped everything on us...or you are just experiencing the started out slow here then wham it came in torrents...;)
BB. As I understand the flooding thing. An earthen bermed irrigation canal had a side wash out and flood those homes. Is this correct ? The national news was fuzzy on the details.
Thats true.........

BB. As I understand the flooding thing. An earthen bermed irrigation canal had a side wash out and flood those homes. Is this correct ? The national news was fuzzy on the details.

Burrowing rodents weakened the canal wall...the overflow of melted snow was too much for the weakened canal walls...