APP - BLM/ANTIFA will go the way of #METOO


Remember when #METOO was all the rage? The left was having a good time using it to try to get keep judge Kavanaugh from being Justice Kavanaugh. Back then any transgression against a woman no matter how old or uncorroborated was grounds for immediate dismissal from the public square.

Sound familiar?

Today we have a similar process brewing with the BLM movement in response to the death of George Floyd while in custody of Minneapolis police. Forget for a moment that the people decrying George Floyd's death really don't care about him. They didn't know him. They didn't do anything to help him in real life. He is nothing more than an abstract vehicle to push their political agenda.

But, they are tearing down statues, renaming things, removing books and movies just like all totalitarian regimes in history from the french revolution, to Stalin, to Hitler, to Mao, to Pol Pot, to Castro........

But the difference with this movement and those was this movement doesn't have a recognizable leader that is coming forward to carry the flag and move them forward. If they do, he/she is hiding in the tall grass. The only reason those other cultural movements (and they all started out as cultural movements) were able to flourish was because they had a tinpot leader who grabbed the reins of power to see it through.

No such power structure exists with BLM and ANTIFA

The problem with the folks that foment these uprisings is that they most assuredly will fail the purity test. In every instance the mob will run out of things to destroy and will eventually turn on their own. Sure there was no sympathy for tearing down Confederate statues. But, now they are tearing down statues of Grant who was the Union general who beat the Confederacy.

Eventually they will have to turn on Nancy Pelosi whose father dedicated confederate statues.

They will have to change the names of lefty schools like Stanford and Yale. How do you think former graduates of those universities will feel about that?

This will burn itself out. Already chaos is reigning in CHAZ/CHOP. The supposedly peaceful autonomous zone isn't very peaceful and they really aren't very autonomous. They have a warlord armed with AR15s who has participated in porn films brutalizing a white woman. Real classy guy