Blofeld to be Prosecuted in Germany :D


Atheist Missionary
Donald Rumsfeld, who quit as US defence secretary last week, is facing a lawsuit in Germany over alleged abuses at Guantanamo Bay and in Iraq.
The complaint was filed by the Center for Constitutional Rights, a lawyers' group, on behalf of a Saudi man held in Cuba and 11 Iraqis held in Baghdad.

German law allows the pursuit of cases originating anywhere in the world.

The Center made a similar request in 2004 but German prosecutors dropped that case.
Once again, at least wait until the decision has been made, a lawsuit requesting this is not the same thing as the end result being "positive" in your direction.
I dont know what the evidence is, so I dont know if prosecuting him would be justice... But I think we are going to find out what the evidence is one way or the other... The Germans or the Democrats one will uncover what there is to uncover!

If he is responsable I am all for him being prosecuted, although I would rather it happen here in the United States!
Now seems a good time for an exit stragity from Germany and time to remove our military bases.
Lawsuit brought by a couple of jihadist and how the libs love it! Shows who they support.

Hello retard. Where have you been?