Blood bath


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Iraqi Government and World Health Organization report 151,000 Iraqis dead in first three years of war ("not counting fighters")

march 2003 through June 2006

By any count, the toll is "massive," wrote Catherine and John Brownstein, statistics experts at Yale University and Harvard Medical School, respectively, in an accompanying essay. It likely still is low, because many Iraqis have fled and aren't there to report deaths and because Iraq is too dangerous to survey some areas.
If you extrapolate this up to January 2008, and include all violent deaths, its in the range of hundreds of thousands.
Can anyone point out to me a three year period after the first Gulf War but before Iraqi freedom when 150k iraqi's were killed by this kind of violence?
Well let me get in before the patriots blame the US for these numbers we're not the one's crashing car bombs into fruit stands. Bunch of flag waving patriots around here. Oh and can anyone point to death before the overthrow of Saddam, WHAT???

Here are some pictures of Saddam's mass graves...




What you need to understand is the war on terror is not a game of whack a mole, we have to destroy the institution's breeding terrorism, the fundamentalist schools, the state run media's that reinforce this twisted version of Islam. These are state run institution's, that promote and prop up terrorism, listen to a sample of Saddam Hussein, and his state run media...

The Attacks of September 11
"The United States reaps the thorns its rulers have planted in the world."
Saddam Hussein, September 12, 2001

"Does [America] realize the meaning of every Iraqi becoming a missile that can cross to countries and cities?"
Saddam Hussein, September 29, 1994

U.S.S. Cole Bombing, October 12, 2000
"[Iraqis] should intensify struggle and jihad in all fields and by all means..."
Iraq TV, October 22, 2000 (State-controlled)

"[O]ur striking arm will reach [America, Britain and Saudi Arabia] before they know what hit them."
Al-Qadisiyah, October 6, 1994 (State-controlled newspaper)

"One chemical weapon fired in a moment of despair could cause the deaths of hundreds of thousands." Al-Quds al-Arabi, October 12, 1994 (State-controlled newspaper)

Khobar Towers Bombing, June 25, 1996
"[The U.S.] should send more coffins to Saudi Arabia, because no one can guess what the future has in store."
Saddam Hussein, Iraqi Radio, June 27, 1996

"The real perpetrators [of September 11] are within the collapsed buildings."
Alif-Ba, September 11, 2002 (State-controlled newspaper)

"[September 11 was] God's punishment."
Al-Iktisadi, September 11, 2002 (State-controlled newspaper)

"If the attacks of September 11 cost the lives of 3,000 civilians, how much will the size of losses in 50 states within 100 cities if it were attacked in the same way in which New York and Washington were? What would happen if hundreds of planes attacked American cities?"
Al-Rafidayn, September 11, 2002 (State-controlled newspaper)
my tax dollars didn't cause, or contribute, to those mass graves willie

Yeah but you expect to fix that country in 3 weeks. You expect to deprogram a radical religious ideology in 6 weeks, you have incredibly unrealistic goals. It's going to take more time, and that figure is playing a huge role in many, many Iraqi's turning on Al Qeada, as I've been saying all along the only way a strategy of blowing up fruit stands wins is if we lose heart and suffer defeat, and the catastrophic loss of life that will follow.
Yeah but you expect to fix that country in 3 weeks. You expect to deprogram a radical religious ideology in 6 weeks, you have incredibly unrealistic goals. It's going to take more time, and that figure is playing a huge role in many, many Iraqi's turning on Al Qeada, as I've been saying all along the only way a strategy of blowing up fruit stands wins is if we lose heart and suffer defeat, and the catastrophic loss of life that will follow.

Oh, man - that is priceless.

Where were you in 2003 when people like Cheney were talking about 6 months, and a finance guy in the admin actually got fired for suggesting that it might cost more than $50 billion?
The best estimate I have seen is that in the ten year period from 1992 to 2002 Saddam killed 50,000 Shiites that he viewed as a threat to his regime.
All it takes for evil to exist is for good men to do nothing...

A lot of these people died because we didn't finish the job with Iraq during the Gulf war in 1991 when we had a half million troops to do the job with.
A lot of these people died because we didn't finish the job with Iraq during the Gulf war in 1991 when we had a half million troops to do the job with.
Yup. How many Kurds died during that time because Bush 41 held to the Powell theory or warfare?
Yup. How many Kurds died during that time because Bush 41 held to the Powell theory or warfare?

Too many... Speaking of mass killings after we retreated in 1991, here are some pics of some more of Saddam's handy work, he being the great peaceful leader the evil USA invaded and horribly hung this glorious leader...

