Blood honor


I was young in 2004 but I just couldn't understand Kerry at all. It was like he came out of nowhere and then suddenly everyone was like yep this boring dude is for certain the guy I'm going to vote for. Why? Why do you support Kerry?

It's yet another instance of the Democrats preemptively going on the defense, oh geez we don't want those mean Republicans to call us unpatriotic liberals, so will nominate a soldier with war medals. Just utter naivety! Do they know who they're dealing with! The right can spin a yarn out of anything!

By the end of the campaign they had him painted as a coward who went out of his way to get shot three times to go home early, wow basically a deserter! And also his mildly based anti war activism afterward made him a traitor, basically Jane Fonda! Bush on the other hand, who like clearly, his dad pulled some strings to get him a plush position in the Texas National Guard where somehow he learned how to fly fighter jets in the middle of the war without being deployed overseas (holy fuck so many backs must have been scratched over this). Wow what a patriot military man! Wow he can fly a jet fighter he must be so smart, can you do that libtard!

Literally my CHUD dad at one point in this election, literally his words were, "I'm voting for Bush cus he's a military man, and I'm a military man". My dad FYI served only in the air national guard and never fought in anything like Bush but considers himself to have done the height of service.

So Kerry was literally infantry getting shot at and was a coward, and Bush the picture of privilege and corruption was a military man.

I don't think these people understand that to rightists, patriotism and military bonafides are almost inherently tied to their political ideology. If you are a fascist, you are a military man almost directly as a result of your fascism, if you're a leftist you will be jettisoned from the patriotism-mobile like there's no tomorrow regardless of whatever military record you may have.

It's just stunning to look at Trump, literally an actual veteran just hands this piece of shit his people heart, that's how much Trump means to this gooey brained boomer, he's giving away his lives trophy to this sleazy privileged child who got deferments. Trump is like "Wow I always wished I had one of these!" I wish he had the opportunity to earn a Purpose Heart too FYI.

On an entirely unrelated note, did you know that most purple hearts are awarded posthumously?

Anyway I've literally seen videos of veterans breathing their dying breath almost filled with tears praising Trump and his salvation of America. I've never known a sadder cringe.

An interesting note is Matthis, like initial propaganda about him was almost nearly as worshipful, all people knew about him was that he had a cool edgy nickname, mad dog Matthis, and one time gave an unhinged rant about how it's fun to kill people along with a bunch of stereotypes about backwards Muslims. Wow he's a reactionary just like us he's going to kill all the Islams I can't wait!

In office of course it was almost stunning how quickly that faded away, it turned out that in actuality he was pretty much just a bog standard globalist neocon and much more cautious than Trump. They seemingly don't understand that military officers tend to be educated elites with a very beltway lanyard type mentality. He grew up in the world where you said the loud part quiet and was clearly taken aback by Trump just throwing away the facade and going mask off (while acting like this was a genuine change in fact rather than in form). Of course he slowly faded away and became a fucking deep state lib.

And honestly fuck him. But I'm just saying - to the right, ideology IS military credentials. Saying edgy barbaric shit is like a medal of honor. Being a leftist is cowardice and no amount of actual evidence will convince them otherwise. They are completely entwined in their own universe.
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