blow hole joe goes down AGAIN !!!!!

why Im not a democrat like you

If you voted for a man who said windmills cause cancer, used a Sharpie to change the path of a hurricane, autographed Bibles, saluted a North Korean general, stared into the sun twice, said there were airplanes in the Revolutionary War, wanted to nuke hurricanes, and suggested that bleach could cure COVID, your opinion of Joe Biden's sanity is laughably irrelevant.
Your guy is a loser and you're a loser



^Race hustling moron. :palm:

If you voted for a man who said windmills cause cancer, used a Sharpie to change the path of a hurricane, autographed Bibles, saluted a North Korean general, stared into the sun twice, said there were airplanes in the Revolutionary War, wanted to nuke hurricanes, and suggested that bleach could cure COVID, your opinion of Joe Biden's sanity is laughably irrelevant.
you may be right but at least Im not a biden or a democrat Id have to shoot myself

What did any Democrat ever do to harm you personally or financially- Be specific. What did Biden ever do that harmed you personally or financially?

I bet you have been helped tremendously by Democrat policies throughout your lifetime- you just can't get out of your own way to understand it.

Hate is something that stems from something very negative going on from the inside my friend.

Look from within- before you start hating others.

We get it- you hate the life that yours has become- and you seem to be blaming Democrats for it. Wow! How convenient that is for you to always have a boogyman to blame!

You may not be a happy person- but it is not the Democrats fault.

Look for the real root causes of your unhappiness. Your personal unhappiness and financial woes are not being caused by Democrats.
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What did any Democrat ever do to harm you personally or financially- Be specific. What did Biden ever do that harmed you personally or financially?

Gas prices are through the roof, grocery prices are through the roof, there are mass shortages, particularly in Democratically controlled Marxist states and there is a looming massive tax increase on the horizon if the slim majority in the Congress manages to pass their Marxist agenda.

Your turn. What did TRUMP ever do to harm you personally or financially- Be specific. What did TRUMP ever do that harmed you personally or financially?