Blue-collar Democrats return to their roots

It is a repeating cycle in America. the republicans rise to power for a time and then when the people have had enough the diminish again for a longer period of time. People can only be fooled for so long at a time, but their memory is pretty short too, so they begin to believe the Republican rhetoric again ......
Yep and it is these sheeple that the republicans depend on to tip the scales to get into power.

The democratic sheeple are required as well. Look how fucking stupid half of you are on here. I mean really. Quite ignorant little fascists in their own right. Why do you perpetuate these partisan myths, usc?
It is a repeating cycle in America. the republicans rise to power for a time and then when the people have had enough the diminish again for a longer period of time. People can only be fooled for so long at a time, but their memory is pretty short too, so they begin to believe the Republican rhetoric again ......

In all seriousness, not just America. A similar cycle has operated in my country for the last thirty years to my knowledge.
The democratic sheeple are required as well. Look how fucking stupid half of you are on here. I mean really. Quite ignorant little fascists in their own right. Why do you perpetuate these partisan myths, usc?

The use of the term "sheeple" by anyone is instructive. We are all "sheeple".
We elect our rulers.
The use of the term "sheeple" by anyone is instructive. We are all "sheeple".
We elect our rulers.

Not if you don't vote.
This government is illegitimate to the degree that it merely facilitates the enslavement and subjugation of america's people to corporate entities. Anyone who denies this is a sherson.
Not if you don't vote.
This government is illegitimate to the degree that it merely facilitates the enslavement and subjugation of america's people to corporate entities. Anyone who denies this is a sherson.

Of course, I forgot, you have voluntary voting. Probably wouldn't make much difference even if you had compulsory voting, the Eloi will continue to vote the Morlocks into power. There must be an evolutionary reason for it but right now I'm stuffed if I can think of one.
Of course, I forgot, you have voluntary voting. Probably wouldn't make much difference even if you had compulsory voting, the Eloi will continue to vote the Morlocks into power. There must be an evolutionary reason for it but right now I'm stuffed if I can think of one.

It's accomplished by hiding the truth, perverting the culture by perverting it's cultural institutions, and by creating preexisting negative frames for the ideas which would actually free humanity from enslavement. "populism" is derided, "nationalism" is derided, unless you're china and are willing to enslave your people to put the west out of business in service of the illuminati masters, then your "nationalism" is encouraged. I am enthusiastic that the fascist internationalists firmly ensconced in power now, will soon be in the street, as their house of lies comes crashing down around them.
"Democracy" is an illusion. And people attack me for being a nihilist. I'm not, I just despise so-called democracy when I know it's complete bullshit.
Perhaps. And perhaps not. I know what I want won't be achieved in my lifetime, but that doesn't mean I can't start to put the timber under the boulder.

Yeah. Or just mildly go along with things on a superficial level, but use free speech to destroy the brainwashing programming in your spare time. Viva La Revolucion.
Yeah. Or just mildly go along with things on a superficial level, but use free speech to destroy the brainwashing programming in your spare time. Viva La Revolucion.

Or vive le revolution. Revolutions are good. They just have to be managed well. They're great for getting humanity out of the funk it finds itself in every several hundred years. Revolutions are usually condemned by those who have most to lose, they're usually mounted by those who have most to gain. And apart from a few false starts, they're usually successful because they're needed.