BLUE (yes blue) TIC-TACS fucking OWN


on indefiniate mod break
It's been a long time coming.

For those not up to date on your mint history, tic tacs have had 3 main flavors for literally a billion years up until now.

Spearmint - your best option (the white tic tac)
Wintergreen - this option is for pussies (green)
Orange - oh so delicious, but completely useless (it was orange fyi :palm:)

Tic Tacs have never really had much of a kick. So I would usually stick to altoids as my go to. But now:


These tic tacs rule. You basically don't even have to brush your teeth anymore. Stories4u, if he wasn't faking his death, would agree (he was/is a dentist). They are much stronger than the other pussy tic tacs. When you breathe after having a few, it may even help clear your sinuses.

I reccomend everyone go buy some of these. You will thank me. They are cheap for you all you cheapskates, but they are pretty r0x0r overall. :good4u:
btw I have actually been having some of these for a while so don't try to one up me and say they are 2 months old or whatever. I am the first at everything.