Bob Jones University?


Black Kitty Ain't Happy
I don't know if their rules changed but in the past there was their hilarious rule.

The male and female students had to be seated separately and the female students' button shirts have to be where their bras/breasts cannot be visible sideways.

:eek: :eek: :eek:
BTW I find it hilarious that people here would complain about the "liberal indoctrination centers" while not being aware of the indoctrination going on in those Christian colleges/universities.
BTW I find it hilarious that people here would complain about the "liberal indoctrination centers" while not being aware of the indoctrination going on in those Christian colleges/universities.

They are aware. They just prefer (perceived) right-wing indoctrination to (perceived) left-wing indoctrination.
Radio personality Randi Rhodes once commented how the G.W. Bush administration was chock full of appointees to various posts a'la Bob Jones University...yeah, that worked out well! :rolleyes:
Nobody as far as I know.

The point is those type of people would send their children to schools like that. Rafael Cruz sent Ted to a Christian school.

Not at the university level. He went to Princeton and Harvard. I don't think Cruz's father is a good example of "those type of people."
Not at the university level. He went to Princeton and Harvard. I don't think Cruz's father is a good example of "those type of people."

Good point. I need better examples. When I say "those type of people" I mean the far right Fundies.
With all the choices out there, why would anyone send their kid to a Bob Jones Univesity?

I assume most of the people employed at Creation Science Museum, Noah's Ark Experience, and Jesus Land Theme Park are graduates of the illustrious Bob Jones University.
I wonder what one learns in earning a biochemistry degree from the distinguished Bob Jones University?

I assume they are on the cutting edge of creation science.
Seems to me that there is one major difference between the creationist and the atheistic scientists:

- they both have faith in their respective beliefs.

- the DIFFERENCE is that the scientist have faith in the scientific method to eventually explain it all. The creationist have faith that eventually God will appear to validate what is already "explained".

Maybe they should have a conference call and compare notes. Who knows, they may figure something out all can agree with.