Bobby Kennedy and DR MLK - assassinated in the 1970's - says SLEEPY JOE


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The demented Biden stated that DR ML King and Senator Bobby Kennedy were assassinated in the 1970's ....
LOL..... so I guess 9/11 happened on 8/10 .....
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I saw that there is more reason now to think that the Soviets did JFK, which would explain why our Intelligence BrainTrust claims to have never figured it out.
In the first 12 seconds it appears like a cut was made between two separate thoughts. We don't hear the first part of his comment because the video picks up with him saying "Just like in my generation when I got out of school, when Bobby Kennedy and Dr. King had been assassinated..." followed by [and] "in the ’70s, late 70 when I got engaged..."

The clip is dishonest because it doesn't provide the context of what he was talking about that occurred in those years between the late '60s and '70s. He could have been talking about graduating from law school in 1968 and running for a district seat in 1970.

And the articles about this in RW rags don't give the entire context either. I think we all know why.
The demented Biden stated that DR ML King and Senator Bobby Kennedy were assassinated in the 1970's ....
LOL..... so I guess 9/11 happened on 8/10 .....

Ooooh, he forgot what year they were assassinated. At least he didn't accuse Ted Cruz's dad of being in on the murders. ;)
LOL.... its bizarre your guy is shown in absolute 100% actual true occurrence and STILL you leftie dems are in denial. OK I get it, you dont care about all sleepy joes failings and impairments and lies and nastiness and rotten history. I am not trying to convert you to Mr Donald Trump I am showing you what resides in the Oval Office in what was, until this year, the greatest country in the history of planet Earth. You people don't care Sleepy is destroying it.