Body Parts Everywhere

Excuse me, in your rush to bash bush you forgot to mention that there was a flute player in the picture! And he looked pretty good as he happy-assed along playing his flute and I just bet he was playing “God Bless America!’ on it.

It’s just like a lib to ignore the good news coming out of Iraq.
so Iraq's music program is still alive and well. Thank God for that. I was afraid that place was getting to be a real mess. I got really concerned when the secretarys got violent over there.
Excuse me, in your rush to bash bush you forgot to mention that there was a flute player in the picture! And he looked pretty good as he happy-assed along playing his flute and I just bet he was playing “God Bless America!’ on it.

It’s just like a lib to ignore the good news coming out of Iraq.

kinda like, "other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, didn't you like the play?????"