Boehner: 4,000 Dead "Small Price" to Pay


It's really remarkable, but that's what he said:

BLITZER: How much longer will U.S. taxpayers have to shell out $2 billion a week or $3 billion a week as some now are suggesting the cost is going to endure? The loss in blood, the Americans who are killed every month, how much longer do you think this commitment, this military commitment is going to require?

BOEHNER: I think General Petraeus outlined it pretty clearly. We’re making success. We need to firm up those successes. We need to continue our effort here because, Wolf, long term, the investment that we’re making today will be a small price if we’re able to stop al Qaeda here, if we’re able to stabilize the Middle East, it’s not only going to be a small price for the near future, but think about the future for our kids and their kids.

What a dick.

Anyway, here's a question for you, if a Democrat said this what would happen? You'd probably here about it. When House Minority Leader Boehner says it though it doesn't get picked up by a single news organization with the exception of the original broadcast on CNN. Only a few lefty blogs have reported on it. Ur librul media in action.
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He should be sent to Iraq, do not pass go, do not collect your next Senate paycheck! What a disregard for our soldier's lives!
Nevermind that we brought AQ into Iraq.
You obviously have ignored all the EVIDENCE that the administration ah presented to the public during those days and weeks leading up to our invasion of the Iraq. Meetings between Sadam's govt and al qaeda, the attempt to purchase yellow cake urinaium, or was that Yellow Silk Geraniums? Don't you KNOW that we are fighting them there so we don't have to fight them here? I mean JUST prior to the invasion of Iraq Al Qaeda was set to invade the US from Land Sea and Air. And there were going to use all of Sadam's WMD's and Uday and Qusay were going to then be appointed supreme rulers of the land of the great satan. You just don't pay attention do you Lady T. Why do you love the terrorists so much?