Boehner pulls another Boner


Will work for Scooby snacks
GOP Majority Leader John Boehner: All House Members ‘Except One Voted To Send Our Troops Into Iraq’

Prior to the Iraq war funding vote yesterday, John Boehner stood in front of the C-span cameras, and wagged his finger at the camera, trying to shame Democrats by proclaiming that everybody in congress "except one" voted to send our troops to Iraq. Implying obviously that all democrats, except one, voted to send our troops to Iraq.

Is he drunk? Does he have early onset Alzeimhers? Or is he lying?

As we know, the majority of Democrats in the house of representatives, voted against giving bush authority to decide if and when to invade Iraq.


-It's possible Boner just made a slip of the tongue

-It's possible Boner simply "forgot" that most Dems in the House voted against war with Iraq.

-More likely (IMO), Boner was intentionally lying:

a) Look, this guy is the GOP majority leader in the House. It's his job to count votes. The iraq vote was a historic vote, that a majority leader is likely to have a vivid recollection of.

b) Also, I've heard this talking point from many wingnutters in cyberspace. I've heard many of them say that "everybody" voted to go to war against iraq (i.e., it was allegedly a universal consensus). When I link them to the actual vote count (I think 134 Dems voted against the authorization), they inevitably quietly slink away from the thread.

My conclusion? In rightwing talk radio, and the wingnutosphere, I think a talkingpoint has been promulgated for years: that "everyone" voted for the Iraq war. It was a consensus; therefore a collective responsibility. And, that talking point has settled into the collective conciousness of a lot of rightwingers. Perhaps Boner is simply trying to reinforce this collective conciousness, by reading his statement into the congressional record, and on live television on Cspan.
In that vote it was exactly this way:

296 for 133 against. 215 Rs voted for it, 81 Ds.

Of the 133 against 126 were from Ds, 6 from Rs, and 1 I.
thanks for the exact numbers damo. I was too lazy to look them up. I just knew that a majority of Dems in the House voted against the resolution. And I'm pretty sure Boner knew it too ;)
GOP Majority Leader John Boehner: All House Members ‘Except One Voted To Send Our Troops Into Iraq’

Prior to the Iraq war funding vote yesterday, John Boehner stood in front of the C-span cameras, and wagged his finger at the camera, trying to shame Democrats by proclaiming that everybody in congress "except one" voted to send our troops to Iraq. Implying obviously that all democrats, except one, voted to send our troops to Iraq.

Is he drunk? Does he have early onset Alzeimhers? Or is he lying?

As we know, the majority of Democrats in the house of representatives, voted against giving bush authority to decide if and when to invade Iraq.


-It's possible Boner just made a slip of the tongue

-It's possible Boner simply "forgot" that most Dems in the House voted against war with Iraq.

-More likely (IMO), Boner was intentionally lying:

a) Look, this guy is the GOP majority leader in the House. It's his job to count votes. The iraq vote was a historic vote, that a majority leader is likely to have a vivid recollection of.

b) Also, I've heard this talking point from many wingnutters in cyberspace. I've heard many of them say that "everybody" voted to go to war against iraq (i.e., it was allegedly a universal consensus). When I link them to the actual vote count (I think 134 Dems voted against the authorization), they inevitably quietly slink away from the thread.

My conclusion? In rightwing talk radio, and the wingnutosphere, I think a talkingpoint has been promulgated for years: that "everyone" voted for the Iraq war. It was a consensus; therefore a collective responsibility. And, that talking point has settled into the collective conciousness of a lot of rightwingers. Perhaps Boner is simply trying to reinforce this collective conciousness, by reading his statement into the congressional record, and on live television on Cspan.

Wow, I don't know. I'm actually kind of surprised he tried to pull this. I am assuming the democrats are going to force him to issue a correction.
Golly Gee...

and where were you guys when 'Obama' made the same 10,000 to 10'...double standard as Maybe they both suffer from Alz...or both are liars!;)