BoJo tackles voter fraud.

Unlike certain US states which Trump lost, voter fraud is thought not to be a major problem in Britain. In the 2019 general election, out of 48 million votes cast, there were just 34 allegations of fraud, one of which led to a conviction.

No matter, the government is determined to stop it. At present, voters go the polling station, tell the clerk their name, then vote, much as they have done for centuries. (It would have been more of a problem back in the day, because not everyone was entitled to vote. The clerk could probably tell if it was a man, but a substantial householder? :dunno: )

Anyway, starting in 2023 voters will have to show photo ID – driving license, library card, whatever. “These plans will make it harder for working-class people to vote,” said Labour’s shadow minister for democracy. Because they don’t drive or belong to libraries, I guess. What do you think?
Do working-class people in Britain need ID to cash their dole check or make a bank transaction? How about ID to go to France or Spain on a holiday like many do?
Do all libs think that people who work for a living are dumb?

I'll field that question! Yes, they do. Maybe not all, but a really big portion do. I run into them occasionally too doing the electrical service work I do. Since I don't really need the money and am my own boss, I can be rude to them in return. They really get bent when I do too. Well, you shouldn't have started it with me...
Hello Tranquillus in Exile

Unlike certain US states which Trump lost, voter fraud is thought not to be a major problem in Britain. In the 2019 general election, out of 48 million votes cast, there were just 34 allegations of fraud, one of which led to a conviction.

No matter, the government is determined to stop it. At present, voters go the polling station, tell the clerk their name, then vote, much as they have done for centuries. (It would have been more of a problem back in the day, because not everyone was entitled to vote. The clerk could probably tell if it was a man, but a substantial householder? :dunno: )

Anyway, starting in 2023 voters will have to show photo ID – driving license, library card, whatever. “These plans will make it harder for working-class people to vote,” said Labour’s shadow minister for democracy. Because they don’t drive or belong to libraries, I guess. What do you think?

Taking a voter suppression lesson from the malcontent mob.