Bold, Consistent Experimentation!


She is quoting FDR

this is going back to the real history of liberal ideas

Time to remind the people of what actually worked in practice

And the pattern of the Republican Party crashing our economy

Oh my my

She is going to be schooling Americans on the clear plain FACTS of who and what the Republicant Party has been For decades now
She is quoting FDR

this is going back to the real history of liberal ideas

Time to remind the people of what actually worked in practice

And the pattern of the Republican Party crashing our economy

Oh my my

She is going to be schooling Americans on the clear plain FACTS of who and what the Republicant Party has been For decades now
the league of nations bullshit was bullshit and is bullshit.

"progressivism" has always been Nazi shit.

liberalism and our constitution is something different.
She is quoting FDR

this is going back to the real history of liberal ideas

Time to remind the people of what actually worked in practice

And the pattern of the Republican Party crashing our economy

Oh my my

She is going to be schooling Americans on the clear plain FACTS of who and what the Republicant Party has been For decades now
bold consistent experimentation.


Joseph mengele.

you're a fucking Nazi.
the league of nations bullshit was bullshit and is bullshit.

"progressivism" has always been Nazi shit.

liberalism and our constitution is something different.
Your smelling the Putin special tea your programmer got sent

Your whole world now smells of your demise

Don’t worry

When your Siberian programmer erases your program

You will feel no pain
Let’s trace economic history butt plug

It will be great fun

Who crashed the economy that FDR repaired with

Bold, Consistent Experimentation!​

Your smelling the Putin special tea your programmer got sent

Your whole world now smells of your demise

Don’t worry

When your Siberian programmer erases your program

You will feel no pain
You will do nothing.

the PTB actually know oppression is too expensive.

they actually do monitor public opinion.

they knew the trump juggernaut is too much to deal with.

they helped him become a martyr.

you and your ilk have been unchosen.
She is quoting FDR

this is going back to the real history of liberal ideas

Time to remind the people of what actually worked in practice

And the pattern of the Republican Party crashing our economy

Oh my my

She is going to be schooling Americans on the clear plain FACTS of who and what the Republicant Party has been For decades now
You mean like every shit hole city in America has been run by Democrats for decades? The current retarded mayor of Chicago even blamed Nixon for that shit holes problem. Even his predecessor the retarded lezzy was smart enough to avoid looking that stupid. I honestly wish there was a way I could take your seriously but you're an idiot

The Nixon shock was the effect of a series of economic measures, including wage and price freezes, surcharges on imports, and the unilateral cancellation of the direct international convertibility of the United States dollar to gold, taken by United States President Richard Nixonon 15th August 1971 in response to increasing inflation.<a href=""><span>[</span>1<span>]</span></a><a href=""><span>[</span>2<span>]</span></a>
Elected by all the white Southerners in the former slave States :palm:

The white lib socialist FDR confiscated the workers' gold and gave it to the bankers. Created racist concentration camps. Made MJ illegal. Created the MIC and the bomb. Caused us to add the 22nd Amendment to prevent another socialist dictatorship. And killed anti lynching legislation.
Jimmy Carter is much more highly regarded today than when he lost his bid for reelection in 1980. He has produced an exemplary post-presidency, and today there is an increased appreciation for the enormity of the task he took on in 1977, if not for the measures he took to deal with the crises that he faced. Carter took office just thirty months after a President had left the entire federal government in a shambles. He faced epic challenges—the energy crisis, Soviet aggression, Iran, and above all, a deep mistrust of leadership by his citizens. He was hard working and conscientious. But he often seemed like a player out of position, a man more suited to be secretary of energy than president.
Nixon created stagflation

Carter did things to try and solve stagflation

And faced crazy international happenings

STAGFLATION was created by Republican policy at the time idiot

In his first term, Reagan implemented "Reaganomics", which involved economic deregulation and cuts in both taxes and government spending during a period of stagflation. He escalated an arms race and transitioned Cold War policy away from the policies of détente with the Soviet Union. Reagan also ordered the U.S. invasion of Grenada in 1983. Additionally, he survived an assassination attempt, fought public-sector labor unions, expanded the war on drugs, and was slow to respond to the U.S. AIDS epidemic, which began early in his presidency
Reagan was strongly critical of détente and Ford's policy of détente with the Soviet Union.<a href=""><span>[</span>141<span>]</span></a> He repeated "A Time for Choosing" around the country<a href="–194-143"><span>[</span>142<span>]</span></a> before announcing his campaign on November 20, 1975, when he discussed economic and social problems, and to a lesser extent, foreign affairs.<a href=""><span>[</span>143<span>]</span></a> Both candidates were determined to knock each other out early in the primaries,<a href=""><span>[</span>144<span>]</span></a> but Reagan would devastatingly lose the first five primaries beginning with New Hampshire,<a href="–90-146"><span>[</span>145<span>]</span></a> where he popularized the welfare queen narrative about Linda Taylor, exaggerating her misuse of welfare benefits and igniting voter resentment for welfare reform,<a href="–613-147"><span>[</span>146<span>]</span></a> but never overtly mentioning her name or race.<a href=""><span>[</span>147<span>]</span></a>

In Florida, Reagan referred to a "strapping young buck",<a href=""><span>[</span>148<span>]</span></a> which became an example of dog whistle politics,<a href="ópez20144-150"><span>[</span>149<span>]</span></a> and accused Ford for handing the Panama Canal to Panama's government while Ford implied that he would end Social Security.<a href="–90-146"><span>[</span>145<span>]</span></a> Then, in Illinois, he again criticized Ford's policy and his secretary of state, Henry Kissinger.<a href=""><span>[</span>150<span>]</span></a> Losing the first five primaries prompted Reagan to desperately win North Carolina's by running a grassroots campaign and uniting with the Jesse Helms political machine that viciously attacked Ford. Reagan won an upset victory, convincing party delegates that Ford's nomination was no longer guaranteed.<a href=""><span>[</span>151<span>]</span></a> Reagan won subsequent victories in Texas, Alabama, Georgia, and Indiana with his attacks on social programs, opposition to forced busing, increased support from inclined voters of a declining George Wallace campaign for the Democratic nomination,<a href="–50-153"><span>[</span>152<span>]</span></a> and repeated criticisms of Ford and Kissinger's policies, including détente.<a href=""><span>[</span>153<span>]</span></a>