APP - Bomber changes nothing

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
The left thinks they can use the bomber to bully us into silence. They may get some NeverTrumpers to buy in to that bilge, but it changes nothing for me

I will continue to treat leftists the way I have always treated them

This is a war and I will act accordingly. All conservatives should as well

Vote 2018 and put liberals in the ash heap
The left thinks they can use the bomber to bully us into silence. They may get some NeverTrumpers to buy in to that bilge, but it changes nothing for me

I will continue to treat leftists the way I have always treated them

This is a war and I will act accordingly. All conservatives should as well

Vote 2018 and put liberals in the ash heap

It is too late for the bomber to influence my vote.......I have mailed in my absentee ballot......
Let’s be clear. CNN still sucks. The media is a democrat party echo chamber

The non functioning dud pipe bombs don’t change that.
So was the fake bomber a fake Trumper? I read an unreliable source that he was a registered Dem until lately.
So was the fake bomber a fake Trumper? I read an unreliable source that he was a registered Dem until lately.

At this point, it really doesn't matter to me. I think most people are tuning out the Democrat Media Industrial Complex

They have failed with all of their narratives in trying to take Trump down. You would think they would learn, but apparently they don't. They are really scared about the mid terms. I know that we have seen them be unhinged since 2016, but they will truly go off the rails if they do not take back the House.
At this point, it really doesn't matter to me. I think most people are tuning out the Democrat Media Industrial Complex

They have failed with all of their narratives in trying to take Trump down. You would think they would learn, but apparently they don't. They are really scared about the mid terms. I know that we have seen them be unhinged since 2016, but they will truly go off the rails if they do not take back the House.

They just lost Brazil. The world is waking up.
The MAGA Bomber and the MAGA shooter take away any momentum away that the ReTrumplicans might have been building.
I knew the major media was anti-Trump, but I never realized how blatant it is till now that I am forced to watch the three networks using an antenna and not cable.
The MAGA Bomber and the MAGA shooter take away any momentum away that the ReTrumplicans might have been building.


Why do you think they would be any less motivated to vote? Do you have a rational explanation or is it just another Democrat Media Industrial Complex narrative that you have bought into?

And according to the left, there was never any republican momentum. All of the momentum has been on the side of the left. At least according to the left.

From early voting results I have seen, that doesn't appear to be the case, but I haven't seen updated numbers since last week so they could have changed

Why do you think they would be any less motivated to vote? Do you have a rational explanation or is it just another Democrat Media Industrial Complex narrative that you have bought into?

And according to the left, there was never any republican momentum. All of the momentum has been on the side of the left. At least according to the left.

From early voting results I have seen, that doesn't appear to be the case, but I haven't seen updated numbers since last week so they could have changed

I think it took the focus off what Trump was trying to do, hype fear of the immigrant. Especially because the MAGA Shooter was killing Jews because they were promoting immigration. Trump has lowered his rhetoric about immigrants and thus the hype is not there.
I think it took the focus off what Trump was trying to do, hype fear of the immigrant. Especially because the MAGA Shooter was killing Jews because they were promoting immigration. Trump has lowered his rhetoric about immigrants and thus the hype is not there.

Yup, people have forgotten all about the caravan and Kavanaugh.

It is like they never happened