Bombshell Pix Of Hunter Biden Naked And In Bed With Underage Girl daddy is so proud


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No wonder big daddy blow hole joey is so proud of his son hunter and calls him the smartest man he knows hes a regular chip off the old biter block .

With all the pictures of hunter and his crack head pics floating around on the internet one thing is for sure his daddy is proud of him and hes following in his big daddy's foot steps , and he probably is the smartest man joey knows .

now all the good little dead from the neck up democrats rush to protest hunter like good little drones and make sure you insult me as usual for putting the truth out there for all to see.

No wonder big daddy blow hole joey is so proud of his son hunter and calls him the smartest man he knows hes a regular chip off the old biter block .

With all the pictures of hunter and his crack head pics floating around on the internet one thing is for sure his daddy is proud of him and hes following in his big daddy's foot steps , and he probably is the smartest man joey knows .

now all the good little dead from the neck up democrats rush to protest hunter like good little drones and make sure you insult me as usual for putting the truth out there for all to see.

This is all Trump's fault
Remind me again, what public office does Hunter have? None.

If you have evidence of wrong doing send it to the FBI.
remind me again what public office bushes kids held or trumps 10 year old son or his wife or his daughters kids ?
No one attacked them that I heard of, unlike Obama's and the Clintons kids, Interesting that you left off trumps oldest children and son-in-law, three fuckups and daddies favorite little girl. Maybe this is a topic you should just let either the courts deal with or not.
If the bullshit alleged by the illiterate Bulletbob is true, and that's quite a stretch, how does it affect our lives?
This is an issue about people, not policies.

Sophisticated voters vote for policy positions, not people.
Democrats may have had a cult of personality with JFK when I was a teenager, but it hasn't happened since.
Now that's strictly the domain of trumpanzees.

If the President's son is screwing around, I don't give a long as the President can get the right legislation whipped through.
He can only sign bills that reach his desk.

As for Hunter, it's kind of a stupid name, but I won't hold that against Scranton Joey if Joey does his job well.
It's none of my fucking business--or yours.

No wonder big daddy blow hole joey is so proud of his son hunter and calls him the smartest man he knows hes a regular chip off the old biter block .

With all the pictures of hunter and his crack head pics floating around on the internet one thing is for sure his daddy is proud of him and hes following in his big daddy's foot steps , and he probably is the smartest man joey knows .

now all the good little dead from the neck up democrats rush to protest hunter like good little drones and make sure you insult me as usual for putting the truth out there for all to see.

you might be the only dumbass trump stooge to be dumb enough to post something Michelle Malkin wrote as if it made any sense. from some source called "Ammoland." How embarrassing.
I think Im hit a nerve with the democrat morons here for exposing the biter family they hate it, so I know I did a good thing . lol hahahahahhahaha